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-riley's a picky eater

-her fav food is a cheeseburger and sprite (she could live off of that)

-her second fav food is prolly pasta or chicken nuggets (depends on her mood)

-she hates pickles, the smell and taste

-she's not a big fan of onions or tomatoes either, but she'll eat sauteed onions

-loves sauteed mushrooms

-not a huge fan of bell peppers either

-doesn't eat shrimp

-there's usually like three course meals at those fancy parties her dad's invited to, and she'll eat nothing there

-she'll eat some chicken nuggets and a mcflurry in the mcdonalds parking lot at 3 am after the party

-from the age of 5-7, she had a phase where she wouldn't eat lettuce bcz she didn't like the texture

-but then she got too embarrassed to take it out of her burger in front of everyone, so she just eats it

-but sometimes if she's too overwhelmed or doesn't feel like it, she'll take the lettuce out of her burger

-she likes the crispy fries (the ones with coating)

-she doesn't drink at all (and never will) but that's mainly bcz she doesn't like how her dad abused alcohol when he was younger

-the only berry she eats is strawberry (no raspberry or blackberry or blueberry)

-she'll make a smoothie or smth out of the other berries, but she won't eat them like that

-she loves kiwi

-she loves mango and watermelon (seedless) even more than that

-can live off of baby carrots

-percy keeps a little bag of baby carrots in his fridge for whenever riley visits bcz that's one of the only things she'll always be in the mood for

-she eats green olives not black olives

-percy eats black olives not green olives (olive theory iykyk)

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