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"okay, up." you said, pulling me up and out of the bed with your veiny arms.

you practically shoved me back into the bathroom, standing at the doorway with your arms crossed as i stood in the middle of the tiled floor.

"you need to pee."
your voice was slightly hoarse but still sweet and and laced with persuasion.

i smiled and shooed you out the door, leaving me alone in the bathroom to for a few moments.

i frowned, realizing none of my exes had ever really cared what happened to me once they got what they wanted.

you were so different from them.

when i came back out, you were standing in only your boxers, holding two cups of coffee that you got unrealistically fast.

i grabbed the one you were holding closer to me and took a cautious sip, pleasantly surprised.

it was exactly my order.

"how'd you know?" i asked in amazement.

you smiled down at me in admiration. "you're easy to profile."

i opened my mouth like a i was offended, but there was no way i could ever be. "how dare you!" i protested.

"okay i'll give you this," you started, rolling on the balls of your feet.

"at first, it was hard. you were a sweet girl from the get-go. there was no doubt about that. i fell in love with you quicker then i'd like too admit. you laughed at my jokes that everyone else groaned out. even my 'how many existentialists does it take to screw a lighbulb' ones. although you definitely have an edge to you, and sometimes you insert yourself into situations knowing that you'll end up disappointed or sad. you put yourself before people and then you wonder why no ones holding your hand. that's just how you work. you do the hand holding."

you took my hand into yours to further press your point."so it makes sense that in a relationship you would want someone else to hold your hand." you thumbed with my wrist playfully.

you paused to take in the way my face reacted, probably wanting to remember what it was like to see me so in love with you.

"i knew you'd want lots of sugar, cause that's you. sweet. the caramel... i wasn't so sure about, but then i remembered how much you love fall, so it felt like a no brainer."

you stopped to look down and grin, taking a sip of your own coffee. "you're not a creamer kind of girl, definitely just a little half and half and 'call it a day'." you said with a gentle laugh.

i nodded, all of that was spot on. "you're not supposed to profile me." i said teasingly, raising an eyebrow.

"it was for a good cause!" you defended, taking a long sip of your coffee to try and push that point.

"how often do you do it?" i asked a little more quietly.

"what, profile you? oh all the time."

my mouth dropped open and i shoved your shoulder lightly. "spencer!"

you threw your hands up in defense. "we're creatures of habit! you can't just not do it!" you said.

i pulled my lips into a line to show how unamused i was.

"so, how often do YOU do it?" you asked, smirking when i rolled my eyes in reply.

"all the time."

you set your coffee down with a jokingly shocked face.

i cocked my head, confused.

with a running leap you tackled me back onto the bed.

i grabbed a pillow by my leg and hurled it at your chest, knocking you backwards. you grabbed one and threw it, but it missed and hit the wall with a loud thud.

we both froze and stared at each other's eyes for a few seconds in silence.




we broke out into a fit of laughter. the kind we'd remember for a while, you, forever.

"hypocrite!" you protested, kissing my cheek lightly.

"it was for a good cause!" i mocked back, kissing you back but that time on your coffee flavored lips.

This Love: Spencer ReidWhere stories live. Discover now