Chapter 7 - The Eye-Opening Experience

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*Jenn Hanies Hospital's Conference Room*

Claire Kinsley's POV

"I guess this should be the reporting venue?" I knocked on the door before opening it. Surprisingly, there were only two people sitting inside, one male and one female. Both of them looked pretty compatible sitting together and they don't seem to be stranger to each other.

"Hi, I'm Claire Kinsley, are you two here for the internship too?" I introduced myself as I waved to them.

However, only the male figure responded to me with a beaming wide smile as he introduced himself to me with an extended handshake, "Hi, Dr Kinsley, I'm Matt Miller. You must be the top scorer of our faculty right? It's an honour to see you!"

"Oh, just call me Claire will do. How did you know I'm the top scorer?" I raised my brows and asked him.

He laughed in response, "You just shared your name with us, and your name is pretty much a well-known one in our faculty. Besides, we are the second and third scorer, so if you ain't the top student in this room, who else would it be then?"

"Oh yea, you're right," I scratched my head, feeling stupid for even asking that question.

Then the lady beside Matt scorned, "I expected more from a top scorer but it seems like she has been over-rated. To have been defeated by you is a dishonour to me."

The sight of her wearing those pairs of the alarmingly red stiletto, crossing her legs as she reclined against the chair with her arms crossed, looking all entitled was such an irksome sight to stomach.

"I'm sorry... Rachelle has always been like this, she speaks with no filter, please forgive her," Matt apologised to me on her behalf with a look of contrite.

"It's okay," I laughed off forcefully.

Even though our first impression of each other didn't go that well, but at least I am pleased that Matt is much more friendly than Rachelle.

"So two knew each other from a long time ago?" I popped a random question from a curious thought of mine.

"Yea, Rachelle and I are childhood playmate, we grew up together," Matt replied with much pride gleaming in his eyes.

"So do you have anyone in mind to be your mentor?" Matt asked me.

I thought for a while before replying, "Come to think about it, I don't think that ever crossed my mind."

Matt continued, "Frankly speaking, I'm fine with any too, but if I could choose, I would very much like to be mentored by Dr Liam Craig."

"Oh, why? Isn't he still quite new to this line of work? I mean four years of experience probably isn't even considered adequate in this line, let alone being a mentor," I questioned Matt's choice of mentor.

Matt seemed alarmingly shocked by my response when he exclaimed in disbelief, "Don't you know how he has been conferred with a title of the next uprising genius talent in our medical field? He's a soon-to-be cardiac specialist in just a short span of four years, which is why he is the prized pawn that Jenn Haines Hospital is eager to groom."

He then cast his sight briefly over to Rachelle and said, "That's why it's no surprise why Rachelle would like to be mentored by him too..." Somehow there was this lining of sentimental emotion in his gaze at Rachelle when he said that.

I was surprised by what I heard about Liam from Matt, after all, I have been very detached from the "hottest" news in the medical field. I know that Liam has been a high achiever all his life, but to learn that Liam has that high a standing in the medical field is definitely a piece of unexpected news for me. In fact, I'm beginning to feel guilty that I have yet to appreciate him enough for the help he has rendered for tutoring my studies at his own will.

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