Chapter 27 - Abandoned

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*2 months later*

Claire Kinsley's POV

I sat by the window in my room, snugging up to the scent of your sweater you left in my room as I couldn't help tracing my thoughts back to you again.

A month ago, we were the happiest couple waiting to tie the nuptial knots. A month ago, you promised me a lifetime of happiness. A month ago, I was still in his embrace like your prized possession. A month ago... we were still fretting over the flavour of our wedding cake.

You preferred chocolate over strawberry, do you know that I would have given in to you, I would have given up anything in the world for you... But why... What made you changed your heart just like this? Why did you abandon me?

The week after our gown fitting session, my world came apart. I would rather believe you had a bipolar disorder than to accept the brutal truth that you wanted to call off this wedding just because you suddenly came to realise that you had mistaken the sibling love you had for me as a love that you would have for a woman.

I refused to believe this bullshit, but you chose to brutally remove yourself from my life by just dropping me an excuse that you would be leaving here for good because you have decided to pursue your career overseas.

I tried, I cried, I begged, yet none was to avail. Nothing I did could return me the Liam that I once knew. You were adamant and I was thoroughly heartbroken.

"Claire...?" My mother walked into my room.

"Yes?" I quickly wiped my tears and hid Liam's sweater behind me but I guess I still wasn't able to conceal the fact that I was hurting in front of her. She read me like an open book.

She sighed before walking over to me, "Scott is here. Honey, I think a walk to catch some fresh air would be good for you now, anything would be better than cooping yourself up in this room."

I didn't want to make her worry and so I forced a smile on my face and agreed to her idea, "Alright..."

I headed down the stairs and saw Scott standing there with his hands in his pocket, his gaze somehow drifted off into space along with his mind.

"Hey Scott," I tapped on him.

"Hi Claire, it's nice to see you," He hugged me.

It was a comforting hug, yet I was still feeling void from the inside. This emptiness that has been weighing on me ever since Liam walked out of my life.

"Today seems like a pretty good day for a picnic. I came up with some new additions to my restaurant's menu recently, I thought maybe you could help me out with some honest feedback. So do I have the honour to get you to try them out over a picnic?" He said candidly.

But I know... I know he is doing this because he wanted to cheer me up ever since Liam and I called off our engagement.

I am still hurting from the inside, but the people who cared for me shouldn't suffer along with me. The least I could do is to assure them
that I am doing fine.

"Okay, that sounds good," I replied.

He drove me to a quiet scenic spot in front of a lake and that was when I felt I was near to breaking down as I stood in front of that mass body of water.

"Some people say shouting out is a way to vent out your pent up emotions, I don't know how true is that but it's probably still better than putting up with a fake front," Scott stood beside me and said.

I giggled but I was actually losing my mind. Without warning, I started shouting out loud towards the lake.

Scott joined me and started shouting too and our voices just echoed throughout the lake.

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