Chapter 1 - The Non-Consensual Kiss

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Claire Kinsley's POV

Liam Craig, my inseparable agony since young. Liam is the only child of my mother's late bosom buddy, hence my mother used to bring him over to our house so often that technically he's just like an elder brother to me even though we were just childhood playmates.

Older than me by 4 years, from elementary school to university years, I have always been stuck in the same school as Liam. He is always my senior, my tutor, and even a control freak in all aspects of my life. Even if I had a real brother, I bet he won't even be that concerned with me as compared to Liam.

I never understand why Liam has remained single all this while despite his undeniably good looks, but I have always been secretly praying hard that he would find a girlfriend soon so that he could get his 'radar' off me for once and I shall finally redeem my freedom from his suffocating control.

"Are you even listening?" Liam struck my forehead with a pen and that broke the train of thoughts that I had earlier on about breaking free from his control.

"Ouch! You didn't have to do that!" I flinched in pain as I rubbed my forehead.

"Well, then stop daydreaming," His tone impassive, and that made my blood boiled.

"Don't you dare do that again! If not for you, would I have landed in this predicament? If you hadn't persuaded my mum to force me into medical school, I wouldn't be stuck here learning something that I have no interest in," I gave him a disgruntled look as I grunted away.

"So this is what I get? A bag of ungratefulness after spending so much of time and effort to tutor your study?" He retorted.

"I guess it's time you learn some manners," he smacked the pen on the table and that jolted me up. However, it didn't take long for me to shake out from fear and be back on my disdainful front because I know Liam has never bear to lay a finger on me, let alone punish me.

I folded my arms with my eyes closed as I spoke to him in a tone of contempt, "Oh come on... I don't believe you would even dare."

Just as I was waiting for him to retreat in defeat, something warm and soft pressed against my forehead suddenly, sending an unfamiliar jolt of sensation across my forehead. My eyes widened in disbelief when I saw the close-up face of Liam right in front of me.

He freaking kissed me?!

I gasped at the absurdity of the situation and pushed him away immediately even though I was still in the state of shock. I couldn't believe what happened because I've always thought that Liam will never do such a reckless stunt given that he is the most reserved person I have ever known. The unexpected kiss definitely crossed the line!

The heat from a mix of embarrassment and anger coursed through my body as I wiped my forehead ferociously with disgust.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I exclaimed incredulously.

He clenched his jaws ever so slightly with a cold bite in his tone as a rare case of emotion flickered over his face.

The sudden flashback of that kiss send me shivers of goosebumps, and I was instantly back on my feisty front, "Don't you dare pull such an absurd stunt again! I will take it as nothing happened today and we shall never speak of this again, you heard me?!"

"Does it not mean anything to you?" His voice smoothens over as his brows were knitted together in an agonised expression.

"Huh?" I was swept into a state of confusion by his reaction.

"Dinner is ready, come on out now," My mum, Helen, knocked on my door and said.

I glared at Liam, "Count yourself lucky today on my mum's account."

I opened the door and responded to my mum, "Alright, Mum!"

"Wait a minute, where do you think you're going?" I twist my lips to the side as I blocked Liam from exiting the room.

"To dinner, of course," he replied with indifference.

"Do you think you still deserve a free meal here after bullying me?!" I narrowed my eyes at him.

Instead of retreating in defeat, Liam flicked my forehead without a single warning. "Watch your manner," he said coldly with no trace of remorse for what he has done.

"Ouch...!" I flinched at his flick as I cupped my forehead.

My mum sighed and reprimanded me, "This is what you get for being disrespectful to Liam, you owe him an apology."

"But he was the one who started it!" I protested in exclaim.

"Started what?" Liam asked deliberately as a small smirk etches on his mouth. This reminded me that I was the one who wanted to take it as nothing had happened earlier on.

Lost for words, I could only sulk in defeat, "Nothing..."

A victorious smug swept across Liam's face and that just gets on my nerves! I decided for revenge over dinner by picking on any dishes that he tries to eat.

"Liam, I made this seafood pot myself, come help yourself to it," My mum beamed in her wide smile as she pointed out the dish to Liam.

I took up my fork and charged towards the seafood that Liam was aiming for. Liam gave me a deadpan look when our fork clanged together on the same piece of food. However, my triumph wasn't for long when my mother realised something was amiss. She let out a heavy sigh before she started to lecture me, "Alright, Claire, would you just knock it off and stop behaving like a kid? How many times do I need to repeat myself for you to understand? Your father left us at a young age and I had to work multiple jobs to make ends meet. Liam has been kind enough to help me take care of you since young, even being your free tutor for the past few years despite his busy schedule as a doctor now. Don't you think you should appreciate him?"

"Alright, fine..." I took back my fork in defeat after giving some thoughts to my mum's words.

Thanks to Liam, I had a hard time trying to sleep that night. Flashback of that kiss made me toss in bed with a head of frustration. There was just an indescribable mixed feeling about it...

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