Chapter 32 - The Finale

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*2 years later*

Claire Kinsley's POV

"Tammy~! You're going to be late for school if you're still not down here for breakfast!" I shouted out from the kitchen while preparing breakfast.

"Alright, mommy! I'm coming down now!" Tammy shouted back as little footsteps of her came thumping down the stairway.

I turned and looked up at the stairway, it was to no surprise my princess with a head of dishevelled hair was panting away.

I shook my head and snickered.

That... That certainly is one trait that I wished she didn't have took after me.

"Good morning, my beautiful wife," Liam circled his hands around my waist from behind me and kissed me on my cheek.

"Good morning, my charming-as-always husband," I reciprocated his morning kiss with a kiss against his lips.

"Not forgetting, this little one here too," Liam stooped forward and gave a peck against my belly.

Ever since he was fully recovered from his coma, we had our wedding done and our baby number two on the way because Liam kept whining about how he wished he could have been there for the lost time during my pregnancy and the birth of Tammy.

I couldn't possibly say no to his request for another chance at fatherhood and so... baby two happened.

"Come here princess, let me get your hair fixed," Liam gestured to Tammy.

Tammy sat down happily on his laps while Liam helped to do her hair.

"Are you sure about this?" I raised my brows at Liam.

"Yea, of course, did you just forget how skilled your surgeon husband's hands could be?" He retorted playfully.

"That I don't know..." I took a snap-shot of them and flashed the hairdo that her father has proudly came out for her.

Tammy burst out laughing, "I love it~!"

"Is that sarcasm, my princess?" Liam teased Tammy and started tickling her till she giggled.

Our house is always filled with laughter and so much happiness. All because the king of my heart gave me a life anew, as well as, two beautiful addition to my life.

He is my heart. I love him even till my last breath.

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