Chapter 3

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Beneath the shadows of Fenrir Forest, my beta Conner and I padded lightly through the congested trees toward a small clearing that alphas like myself had used for centuries to gather.

My heart thundered in my chest, my wolf ears pricked and on high alert. I didn't know what to expect. The tension between our packs was always high. I blamed it on arrogance, testosterone, and the animalistic urge to dominate. Still, for the last few months, over twenty boys had been turned into werewolves, and I was determined to find the one responsible for it.

The atmosphere was dead silent; not even a bird dared to chirp as I stepped out of the shadows of the trees, shifting back into my human form.

Conner, my beta, stepped before me with a low growl rumbling in his throat. His eyes narrowed as he bared his teeth. He was just as anxious as me. It was highly unusual for myself or my pack to be included in the hierarchy of the alpha meeting. We were the black sheep of the lycan community.

I leaned lazily against a nearby tree, my eyes scouring the surroundings. I did not miss the uneasy looks of apprehension that darted my way.

All the alphas of the area were in attendance today except for one.

Where was Thorton? No one from the Northern pack seemed to be in attendance, which was odd, considering they usually ran the show.

Tyson, the alpha of the Southern territory, stepped away from his pack members and into the center of the makeshift ring we had created. He glared at me before he spoke. My eyebrow shot up in question.

"I've called us here today to discuss another attack in the Western district. A boy, seventeen years of age, was mauled on his way home from school."

Another look in my direction. Followed by the rest of the masses turning to look at Conner and me. Conner growled again, but I watched them in mock interest, the nerves tightening in my jaw. Did they think we had something to do with this?

When I didn't take the bait and rise to Tyson's silent accusation, he continued. "The situation continues to worsen. Werewolf sightings have increased over the past few weeks and must be stopped."

That was obvious. What was not obvious was who or why a lycan would be mindlessly changing people into werewolves. My pack had tracked down and destroyed several of these beasts in my area, but they were still multiplying.

Tyson raised his chin, speaking loud so everyone could hear. "I have heard word that the Del Val's have been called in."

My spine stiffened as I pushed away from the tree. Whispers and gasps echoed throughout the clearing. Del Val's were ruthless Hunters. Heartless, careless. Their kind slaughtered lycans for the hell of it. My body flushed with heat, my wolf scratching under the surface to be released. Just hearing the name had me thirsting for blood after all the pain and heartache they had caused my family.

"Then we kill them too," Conner hissed.

"Stand down," I growled, stopping him with a hand on his shoulder when he tried to step forward. The other pack members took notice, bearing their teeth in a warning. I yanked him back, forcing him to heel. We had more significant problems to deal with at the moment. We didn't need any more animosity between us and the other packs. We were divided enough as it was.

Tyson arched a dark brow. "Are you volunteering?"

"And if we were?" Conner dared.

I clenched my teeth but wouldn't turn my back on Tyson.

Tyson folded his arms across his chest, a cocky grin set. "It would certainly prove your innocence."

I knew it. "My pack is made up of rogues and outcasts. We are open to those who need a place to call home. Homes you deny them of."

His grin broadened. "Which is the perfect motive for you. Creating a werewolf army to tear down the council you hate so much."

I returned his cocky smirk. Despite the front he was putting on, I knew deep down I made them nervous. Over the years, my pack became more numerous than the trees in this compacted forest. We were powerful, strong, and loyal. We went against the grain, and they didn't like that.

"We're not creating an army of werewolves. We're content with our lives. And if I recall correctly, the council are the ones who denied me an invitation."

The tension billowed. So thick you could cut it with a knife.

"So prove your worth," Tyson challenged, "Take down the Del Val and find the Lycan responsible and maybe we'll give you your father's seat."

I bared my teeth at the mention of my father. "What makes you think I want a spot on your council?"

"Because it is what your father would have wanted. You were always a disappointment to him," he growled and turned away from me.

I started to step toward him, my anger at its boiling point.

"We can do this," he murmured, gripping my bicep to prevent my murder attempt. "We can wipe out the Del Val's in a heartbeat. We have the numbers. No one can track or kill like we can." 

I considered his words for a fleeting second. What did we have to lose? My pack would be annihilating two of our greatest enemies, and I would finally be included in the council, just as my father wanted.

I glowered at Tyson's spine, lifting my chin as I said, "Very well."

Tyson turned back towards me, his smile deceptive in poison.

"We have a deal, but if I find out it's you," I added, my tone low and full of threat. "I'll rip you to shreds." 

"Alpha Rook!"

I snapped towards the trail we'd come from, finding Leo barrelling out of the trees. He panted, eyes wide with alarm. "About a half dozen werewolves are heading toward Sabine River, and another lone one is prowling along the outskirts of Windfall."

My mind raced. Windfall was a heavily populated human town. And part of our jurisdiction. 

"Your luck amazes me, Rook," Tyson chuckled. "The enemy has fallen right in your lap."

I bared my teeth in warning before turning to Leo. "Take a few pack members and head to Windfall. Conner and I will go south and cut off the others before they reach our territory."

The council moved back when the seams of my clothes began to rip as I shifted into my wolf. It was pissed off and raring to rip into a werewolf's flesh or that of a Del Val, whichever I came upon first.

With a howl, I signaled my pack to move out and put a stop to these damnations before they had a chance to wreak further havoc on the world. Then I'd begin my search for the Del Val's.

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