Chapter 42

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I felt a searing pain in my heart and jolted up in bed. I looked around the room and didn't see Rook anywhere. The gnawing at my heart intensified when I realized he was no longer in the room. I gathered the sheets around my body and ventured into the hallway like a wrapped mummy. I shuffled down the hall until I ran into Leo.

"Is there a reason you are walking down the hall half-naked?" he averted his eyes out of respect for Rook, but I smiled when his cheeks turned crimson.

"Where's Rook? I have to find him." I needed to find him to numb the intense pressure building in my heart.

"He's in his study, but you can't go in there. There are at least half a dozen other males in there, and he will bust a gasket if you go in that room like that." He motioned to the sagging bed sheet I was clinging to with a disapproving shake of his head.

"Fine, but will you tell him I must see him immediately?"

Leo nodded, and I trudged back into the bedroom and approached the shower. I ran the water but didn't get a chance to get in when I heard the bathroom door open.

I turned and saw Rook, and the twisting in my heart immediately eased. I rushed to him, threw my arms around his waist, and buried my face in his chest.

"What is this? What is wrong with me? When I woke up, and you weren't by my side, my heart felt like it would burst."

Rook pushed me back slightly so he could look me in the eyes. He gripped both sides of my face and kissed my forehead. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left you so soon after we were mated, but I had to ensure our pack was ready. What you feel is our mate bond. You couldn't feel it before because we weren't mated, and you are a human, but the intensity will lessen with time."

"Is this the feeling you have had all along?" I asked as he soothingly brushed the sides of my face with his thumbs.

"Why do you think I tried to move Heaven and Earth to find you when you ran away?" he answered with a smile.

Guilt racked me. I had no idea my leaving caused as much pain as this. And he bore it with so much restraint. He pulled me closer to his chest and buried his face in my hair. A surge of power rushed through my veins, much stronger and more potent than before with his nearness. I had a million questions about how I felt, but he interrupted my thoughts as he motioned toward the door.

"There is someone here to see you," he said and motioned for me to follow him back into the bedroom.

I nearly tripped over my feet when I saw my brother standing in our bedroom doorway. My cheeks heated with embarrassment when he looked down at the bed sheet wrapped around my body.

Rook headed for the door. "I'll give you two a moment alone."

Roary cleared his throat, entered the bedroom, and threw a large black satchel on the bed. "I thought you might need that. Even with your powers and all, I figured you would be more comfortable with things you were familiar with."

I unzipped it and looked inside. I smiled as I shuffled through the bag. Roary had packed my fighting leather and a few of my favorite weapons.

"Where's Pops?" I shouldn't care, but I did. He was still my father.

"He'll be at Dante's Point along with all the other Hunters we could round up. Lycan or not, this is still everyone's fight."

I nodded my head in understanding.

"I'm going to leave so you can change; that's inappropriate Huntress attire." Roary smiled wickedly at me and tugged on the bedsheet.

I swatted at him as he ducked out the door. I smiled to myself as I hopped in the shower, quickly washed off, and changed. At least some things never changed.

I walked out of the bedroom feeling more like myself than I had in months. The familiar feel of the tight leather circled me like a cocoon and made me feel safe. I had all my favorite weapons strapped to my body and was beyond ready to use them against the werewolves.

I gasped as strong arms encircled my waist and brought my back against a solid chest. My tension eased when I caught the slightly spicy scent of Rook.

"I like the leather. I would like it even better if it were crumpled on the floor by our bed." His growl rumbled in my ears, and my body turned to putty in his arms.

"Now is not the time." I playfully swatted at his arms and turned to look at him.

"I thought I would give you all the more reason to come out of this thing alive," he said, catching me off guard with a kiss that sent an electrical bolt down to my toes.

When he pulled away, his eyes were glowing, and the pack members crowded around us. "Are you ready for this, my Luna?" His arms tightened around my waist like he was afraid to let go.

"I'm a Huntress. I was born ready." 

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