Chapter 29

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I glanced at my reflection in a nearby creek waiting for Rook to change into clothes before we slipped into the compound and cringed.

Rough did not even begin to describe the way I looked. I had massive dark circles under my eyes from lack of sleep and windblown motorcycle hair. I ran my hands through it in a desperate effort to tame it, yanking through knots and small twigs.

Ugh, it was no use. And since when did I care how I looked? I was not exactly a girly girl. I'd spent my entire life in the presence of men and rarely given two nickels about the way I looked, but ever since meeting Rook, I discovered that I cared a little more about my appearance.

Rook stepped out of the woods in clean clothes, tussling his dark hair with his free hand. My stomach did a little flop at the sight of him. I'd seen him naked on countless occasions, not minding it all, given how... impressive he was. However, something about how his blue jeans hugged his sculpted thighs and the tight-fitted black tee clung to his muscular upper torso had me imagining things I probably shouldn't. How was he capable of looking so good first thing in the morning?

I glanced at my reflection one last time with a sneer. Rook walked up behind me as if he could sense my thoughts. "You look beautiful," he purred, his warm breath tickling my ear.

"Yeah, right," I scoffed.

"I still want to tear your clothes off with my teeth, and I can tell you might want to do the same." My body shivered, his voice rumbling low, causing my insides to melt.

I turned and looked at him, even though I was sure my cheeks were flushed. He smiled, taking a knee. "Wear this for me."

I gasped as he held out a rose gold ring with a substantial black diamond in the center, haloed by small white diamonds. My mouth was wide in awe as he slipped it on my finger.

"How did you happen to have this, and why does it fit me perfectly?" I asked with a smirk.

He stood, pulling me up with him." You ask too many questions." He encased me in his arms, and I was instantly comforted by his warmth and scent. "Just wear it. I want to ensure everyone who sees you knows you are taken."

I raised an eyebrow." I thought wolves did that with scent, not rings. Isn't the whole engagement ring thing a human tradition?"

He smiled and kissed me on my forehead. "Again, you ask too many questions."

I marveled at the ring as the diamonds danced in the peaks of sunlight coming through the leaves of the trees. It was perfect with all its unusual beauty, just like he was for me. I watched him from behind as he readied his men for what lay ahead. Maybe I could have a happy ever after. Probably not. My dad would lose it if he found out...but a girl could dream, couldn't she? I walked up behind him as the pack broke away one by one to do the bidding of their Alpha.

I stopped by his side, and Rook reached for my hand, a sweet gesture my mind was not prepared to accept. "You ready for this?"

I smiled up at him, trying to disguise my nerves. "I'm always ready."

Rook's eyes danced over his pack members. "The Northerners have always been friendly. They won't attack unless provoked, so don't do anything to provoke them unless I say otherwise. This is a recon mission just to see if Keller is the Alpha Conner spoke of. Anything out of the ordinary, you report it to me."

Leo jerked his chin towards me. "Are you sure they won't find out she's a Huntress?"

Rook tightened his grip around my fingers. "As far as they know, she's just another human, and we're going to keep it that way."

A howl ripped through the air that had my muscles tensing.

"They know we are here. They're announcing our arrival." Rook's reassurance did nothing to calm my nerves.

I would feel one hundred times better if I was strapped from head to toe with my weapons, but that was not an option.

We walked into the compound, and I did what I could to keep my jaw from dropping. The Northerner's home was very different from Rook's. It was much more enclosed and reminded me of a prison, complete with barbed wire lining the enclosure. It was dark and looming. There were no trees and greenery like the peaceful atmosphere of Rook's compound. Red clay dirt puffed under our feet as we walked forward. No, I did not like this place at all.

The lycans closest to the entrance all turned and looked our way. Some whispered to one another while others watched in fascination. Rook stood a little taller and carried himself with an air of authority that made all the other wolves snarl. My sharp eyes scanned the premises looking for any threats and familiarizing myself with the surroundings.

A lovely, young she-wolf walked in front of Rook, blocking his path. "Rook, it's been a long time."

Her familiarity with him and her sheer beauty had me wanting to rip her head from her shoulders. Wait, was I jealous? I didn't like the feeling, and I didn't like her.

"Diana, "Rook answered her shortly and cleared his throat. "Tell Keller I would like a word with him as soon as possible," Rook said, attempting to walk around her, but she blocked his path.

"He likes to be called Alpha Keller." Rook's eyes met hers as she nervously fiddled with her hands.

"Maybe he would prefer your highness," I huffed.

Her eyes flicked to mine in a silent warning.

I watched Rook for any reaction to what Diana said, but as usual, he schooled his emotions, and I could not read him at all. "Fine, tell Alpha Keller I would like a word."

Diana stopped Rook from stepping around her again by drawing attention to me. "Who's this?"

"My mate," he answered, placing his palm against the small of my back and ushering me around her.

Leo approached Rook from behind. "What's happened to this place? It used to be so lush and friendly."

Rook gripped my arm, and I could feel the tension rolling off him like waves in an ocean. "I don't know, but I'm about to find out." 

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