Chapter 25

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I lapped the compound again, even though I had been out here for hours and was completely drenched in sweat. My wolf was restless, and I was trying to burn off some pent-up anger and worry.

I was leaving today to investigate the Northern pack, and my wolf was not happy about leaving my mate behind, especially after yesterday.

The mere thought of Conner on top of her had my blood boiling and my wolf pushing toward the surface. I passed my turn-off point again and continued to run. I already had my suspicions about him not being loyal to me but hearing his confession about serving another Alpha had me wishing I could snap his neck all over again. Then there was the fact that whoever this Alpha was also wanted Eve...

I was extremely protective of my pack, I would lay my life down for them, but I found out yesterday, after Eve had run away, that there was someone on this earth that my life revolved around. I had wanted to kill her. I had convinced myself that killing her would be easy, but after almost losing her yesterday, my priorities shifted... and it wasn't just my wolf.

My wolf.

I chuckled to myself, knowing I put it through hell. It knew from the first moment it smelled her, but the man wasn't convinced, or I wasn't until yesterday. Maybe a little before that.

The realization made me smile. Who was I kidding? I was slowly starting to fall for my mate, and it wasn't just the mate bond or a chemical reaction. I loved her strength, witty attitude, and how she cared for my pack. She'd make the perfect Luna, but unfortunately for me, that was up to her to decide.

Thankfully, a low howl brought me back to reality, and I turned back toward home. It was nearing sunup, and we had to leave soon. I rushed into my room, quickly showered, and threw on some clean clothes. I went to Eve's door and slowly pushed it open, but the bed was empty, and I did not hear her within.

The same feeling of dread washed over me like a tidal wave. Was I destined to feel like this for the rest of my life every time I lost track of my mate? If that was the case, I might not make it very long, because Eve rarely stayed where she should.

I followed her scent and calmed myself when it led to the kitchen. She was inside cooking up a storm. I smiled to myself as I watched her. Even with sleep-deprived rings under her eyes and a messy bedhead, she was still the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

"I know you're there, Rook. You might as well come out of the shadows," she said, never turning towards the door. I still had much to learn about her huntress powers because a human would have never known I was there.

I walked out of the darkness and sat in one of the chairs at the kitchen island. She didn't say a word as she scooped a heaping amount of eggs, bacon, and pancakes onto a plate and sat it in front of me. I smiled my thanks to her, picked up a fork, and took a bite. She was drop-dead gorgeous and could cook.

Eve reached up for something on the top shelf of the cabinet. A hiss of pain left her lip as she quickly brought her arm down, wrapping it protectively around her middle. The stool I had been sitting on crashed to the floor as I bounded toward her. I was by her side in a blink of an eye, my hands roaming over her skin as I pushed up her shirt to expose her abdomen.

A roar of anger vibrated in my throat. The bruises that were there last night had turned a deeper hue of blue and black.

She swatted my hand away when my fingertips continued to dance over her contused skin. "It's fine, Rook. It looks worse than it is."

Another growl escaped my lips, and my skin flushed with heat.

"Seriously! Calm down. I had Yvonne look at my ribs this morning. They're not even broken, just badly bruised," she assured me.

My eyes were glued to her face as a mixture of sorrow and rage threatened to consume me. I reached up, cupping her small face in my palms.

My thumbs brushed along the smooth skin of her face. The need for physical contact was almost stifling. "I'm sorry."

She blinked up at me. "For what?"

"For everything. For not getting to you sooner. For..."

My voice trailed off, and I turned away from her as war raged within me.

"Rook, this too manly to share things really doesn't work for me. It makes me angry, actually," she growled.

"I trusted Conner." I turned to her, her eyes instantly softening. "I was the one who told him you were missing along with my other pack members. I trusted him to find you, to bring you back to me, and he...betrayed me. I almost got you killed."

Eve stepped forward, looping her arms around my middle and resting her head on my chest. "None of that is important now. We're together, and that's all that matters. Now it's our responsibility to stop this Alpha he served."

"You ready?" Leo interrupted as he walked to the kitchen door but didn't come any further.

After my wolf's show yesterday, I was sure all males intended to keep their distance from Eve. Good.

"Ready for what? Where are you going?" Eve asked and looked deep into my eyes.

"We are going to the Northern Territory."

She turned off the eye of the stove and came around the kitchen island, but I stood and stopped her. "I'm going with you."

I gently put my hands on her shoulders, trying to talk calmly to reason with her. "You're not going. Not after finding out that there is an Alpha who has a vendetta against you."

"All the more reason for me to go. You are going to need some help."

"I have help; I'm taking my strongest pack members. I won't have you going and putting yourself in danger. Someone will get hurt if I am too focused on protecting you."

"Don't give me that macho Alpha bullshit. I'm a Huntress. I don't need your protection, but you may need my expertise. You said yourself there was no one better at tracking than a Del Val."

I had no intention of continuing to argue with her. I pulled her into my arms, as close as I could get her, and nuzzled my face next to hers. I was surprised she allowed me to touch her, but then again, after yesterday, everything had changed. I bent and lightly brushed my lips against hers. I pulled away quickly before I got lost in her taste.

"You're not going," I said with no room for argument and turned to leave.

"Wanna bet?" She scoffed and crossed her arms across her chest.

That defiant streak of hers both angered and enticed me, but I didn't have time for either at the moment. I slowly approached her, her tension eased when she thought she had won, but she hadn't. I scooped her up in my arms, careful not to crush her bruised ribs.

She screeched and started writhing in my grasp, but I was too strong for her to break free. I knew she would try to follow me if I didn't do something drastic. Leo jumped out of the way as I pushed through and took her back toward the dungeon.

"You wouldn't dare?" she hissed.

I knew I would catch hell for this, but this was the only way to ensure her safety. I shoved her inside and locked the door before she could recoup. I handed the key to Leo, who was looking at me slack-jawed. "You wait until we are long gone before letting her out. Is that understood?"

Leo nodded his head, and my wolf involuntarily growled. I didn't want another male responsible or even in the same room as her, but I had a job to do. The pack, Eve, and all of mankind depended on me to find and stop this werewolf plague.

I looked back at Eve, her angry eyes boring a hole into me. I hoped she would forgive me for this...

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