Chapter 43

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The closer we got to Dante's Point, the harder my heart hammered in my chest. I had been up against many foes but never an entire army of werewolves. I kept glancing at Rook. His calm, relaxed demeanor was the only thing grounding me at this point.

I held my head slightly higher as we approached the other pack members. I refused to let them see how flustered I truly was. I was Rook's Luna now, and I knew showing weakness would affect the entire pack.

A menacing growl ahead had me grabbing for the pistol on my hip, but before I could even react, Leo, Jermey, and several other members of my pack stepped before me.

"Growl at our Luna again, and I will rip your throat out," Leo snarled.

"But she's a Huntress," the lycan sputtered as he gasped for air.

"She's my...Huntress." Rook warned, stepping from the shadows.

Leo released the other lycan, and he stood on trembling legs, glancing at me again.

"What are you doing to my pack members? I thought this fight was against the werewolves?"

A very tall man that carried himself with authority walked towards Rook. By how he acted, he had to be the alpha of another pack.

"If they value their lives, you better keep them away from my Luna, and that goes for you too, Tyson," Rook warned, and I grabbed his arm to keep him from doing something crazy.

The tall man with dirty blond hair flicked hate filled eyes in my direction and then focused back on Rook. "I don't believe mating to a Del Val was part of our arrangement."

Rook smiled, looping an arm around my waist as the rest of my pack crowded around us. "The deal is off, and I'll make you promise," Rook said through clenched teeth. "If you or any other pack members come after my Luna, I promise my wrath will be a hundred times worse than that werewolf army we are about to face."

Tyson's face turned pallid, and his eyes danced around, but when no one stepped forward to back him up, he swallowed and raised his eyes to meet Rook's. "I'm assuming that the other Hunters a few miles to the North from here are also with you?"

"In a manner of speaking," Rook sneered.

Tyson shifted his gaze to mine, and I smiled.

Rook pulled me forward, dismissing Tyson and the rest of the packs. "I think you would agree, Tyson, that we need all the help we can get. I wouldn't suggest pissing anyone off until this is over."

Rook urged everyone to the edge of the forest. I looked out as the woods opened to a large, grass-covered field. It seemed peaceful, with blades of overgrown grass dancing in the wind. That was until I raised my eyes a little higher. My breath caught in my throat as the rolling hills on the other side of the area were covered as far as the eye could see with werewolves.

"Use your brains. Fight smart." Rook's voice boomed as he spoke to all the pack members. "They may outnumber us, but they don't have our training."

A movement to my right caught my attention. The Hunters were moving into position as well. I could barely make out the outline of Pops and Roary. I prayed that we all came out of this in one piece.

A horrid roar came from the other side, and like bats out of Hades, the werewolves tore down the hillside and toward us. The lycans shifted quickly and darted out onto the battlefield.

Rook caught me by my shoulders, bent down, and kissed me. The tender, sweet moment reminded me of a goodbye kiss, which I refused to accept. I pushed him to arm's length as he looked deep into my eyes.

"I'll see you on the other side, my love," he whispered, but I did not have a chance to respond before he shifted and rushed out into the chaos that was already unfolding.

I didn't rush onto the battlefield like the lycans. Hunters survived by being wiser than their enemies, not stronger. My eyes swept across the carnage in the combat zone. There weren't anywhere near a thousand werewolves on the field. I looked to the hills as another wave of them came crashing onto the field. Keller was sending them in groups. He hoped to wear down lycans gradually until their strength was diminished.

He was playing it smart, but so was I. I knew the best way to kill a snake was by chopping off its head, and Keller was the head. I didn't see him on the battlefield. The coward was probably tucked away somewhere safe over the hill, so that was where I was going.

I glanced at the field once more. I could easily pick out Rook by his size. He was slaughtering the werewolves, but even his strength couldn't last forever. I had to make my move, and I had to make it now.

The quickest way to the other side was straight across. I gripped my revolver in my right hand, my silver blade in the other, and rushed into the mayhem.

I was quick and small, so I could duck and dodge many of the werewolves without going toe to toe with them. I was on a mission, and nothing would hinder me.

I saw two werewolves ahead, pinning a lycan to the ground. Two quicksilver bullets to the head took care of them quickly. I never slowed as I reloaded my gun.

I stopped in my tracks when my path suddenly became too clear. It was like all the werewolves diverted and were heading in one direction. My heart fell to the pit of my stomach when I saw them all fighting their way to Rook. Fear gripped my throat, threatening to cut off my air supply. If anything happened to Rook, I didn't think I could go on.

The lycans and the Hunters were trying to block their path, but with so many of them heading in one direction simultaneously, all they were doing was slowing them down. Keller knew he needed to take out Rook to weaken the whole pack and have a chance at victory.

I couldn't reach him in time, but my power could. I holstered my weapons with shaky sweat drenched hands and drew my power from its depths. I had hoped to save my little secret until the last possible moment, but I would be damned if I stood by and watched the man I love be torn to bits by werewolves.

My power tingled as I called it to the surface. I had little practice with aiming. It blasted from my fingertips and knocked everything in its path to the ground. Some were dead, and the others were only stunned, but it had done the trick. It had stopped them long enough for the lycans to get the upper hand.

I turned back towards the hillside as another wave of werewolves came crashing down. I finally caught sight of Keller. His massive form was at the top of the hill. He was staring at me, his face twisted with hate and shock. The werewolves all barreled towards me, and just like that, the target on Rook's back was now on mine.  

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