Chapter 5

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There wasn't a part of my body that didn't ache. It felt like I had tracked those werewolf demons halfway around the country, and I was still no closer to figuring out who was turning them.

The she-wolf tending my wounds, began to massage the frustrated knot that had gathered between my shoulder blades.

"Enough, Maci."

A low growl rumbled in my chest, and she instantly stopped. "Really, Rook. You don't have to act so macho all the time. Won't you let me tend to you?"

She removed her hands from my shoulders and sauntered around the armchair I collapsed into upon my return. Her eyes pleaded with me as she crouched before me.

I sneered. She and all the other she-wolves were too touchy-feely for my liking. They all wanted a mate, particularly if that mate was the alpha.

The mere thought of being mated had my skin crawling, but when I didn't protest further, she resumed working out the kinks in my knotted muscles, careful not to touch the tender lacerations that would be healed by morning.

"How bad was it this time?" Maci's tone turned from sensual to serious in a heartbeat.

"Pretty bad," I responded. "They are multiplying at an alarming rate and traveling in packs just like lycans. Everyone is scraped up pretty badly, and we almost lost Seth." I shuddered at the memory of three of those demons pouncing on Seth at once. He would have been slaughtered if I hadn't reached him in time.

"Have you seen Leo and his patrol?" I asked, needing to change the subject. "They should have been back by now."

Maci eased back onto her heels when I sat up straighter, letting out a small, almost unnoticeable huff of frustration. "No, but if I were your Luna, it would be my job to know these things. You're working yourself to the bone, Rook." She reached up and brushed her hand across the stubble on my cheek. "I can help if only you'd let me."

I pushed her hand aside and rose from the chair, a silent dismissal. Anger and hurt flashed across her eyes before she could hide her emotions. Ever since she stumbled into my pack one dark, cold evening, she had been pinning for me. Most of that was my fault. I'd invited her into my bed when we both needed comfort. I wasn't looking for anything serious and was clear about my intentions. But Maci...

I walked over to my desk and circled another area on the large map. My pack had the werewolves somewhat contained and away from civilization, but no matter how many we killed, they still seemed to be multiplying at an alarming rate.

"And where the hell is Conner?" I asked in tense silence. "He's been disappearing a lot lately." A growl vibrated in my chest when she didn't answer, still kneeling before the chair. Maci might not have been my Luna, but she was still the head female in the pack and needed to act as such.

With her back to me, Maci lifted her hands to her face. The hint of salt in the air indicated that she was wiping tears. She turned to face me, cheeks pink and eyes swollen. "I don't know, Alpha Rook," she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm and disdain. "But I'll be sure to keep an eye out if that's your command."

I parted my lips, about to say something, when little footsteps pitter-patter up to my door right before it was quietly opened. I held up my hand to silence Maci and motioned for her to move back into the shadows. I didn't need Mia getting the wrong idea about what Maci was to me.

I hid a smile as I braced myself for an attack, keeping my back turned as the intruder crept towards me. She pounced, but I surprised her by turning around at the last minute and catching her in my arms. "Gotcha!"

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