how you meet

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neil- you met neil while working on production at henley hall. his passion and complete disregard for the opinions of others very much caught your eye. you bumped into him after rehearsal, profusely spilling apologies while he just helped you pick up your things. neil couldn't believe he had never seen you before, and promised himself he would try to bump into you more often. little did he know, you, along with other girls were soon to be allowed into welton.

todd- you first saw todd from across the library while struggling to focus on your trig homework, he was scribbling quickly in a small notebook, bouncing his leg the whole time. he felt your stare and looked up, only to make brief eye-contact with you. both of you looked away and blushed, and he couldn't help but wonder what made someone so beautiful as you look at him that way. 

charlie- charlie had invited you and your best friend to the cave to meet the boys. you were reluctant at first, but your curiosity got the better of you. his suave attitude and ease with words coaxed you into smiling and agreeing, all the while wondering why this handsome boy would choose you out of everyone; you convinced yourself it was because your best friend, who always got the boys, but charlie was looking at you the whole time. 

knox- when you walked into the commons room for a bit of chess practice, a group of boys were huddled around a chair, all whispering words of encouragement to the obviously upset boy. you couldn't help listening in- your curious personality and all- and came to discover he had gotten his heart broken by a beautiful girl named chris. he seemed very upset so you wrote a small note offering a few words of your own encouragement and handed it to him as you left, giving a small smile and a sympathetic look. 

pitts- you were sitting outside, reading under your favourite tree by the lake when you heard a soft "awe" to the left of you. you quickly snapped your book shut and turned to see who it came from, only to be greeted by the sight of a very tall boy gently coaxing a baby bunny out of a bush, where it's mother lay dead beside it. you slowly got up and said hello, offering to help, pulling a few snacks you had packed into your bag out to offer to the bunny. the plan had worked and the two of you spent the rest of the day trying to care for the baby while also hiding it from any faculty at the same time, hardly saying a word to each other if it wasn't about the little guy you saved. 

meeks- meeks had been playing- and winning- chess against everyone who dared compete against the master. you were sitting in the corner of the commons, trying to study amidst the commotion of meeks absolutely destroying everyone he played, and the loud cheers that came from his friends. sick of his smug smile, you decided to humble him. closing your books, you stood up and took the seat when the last boy mumbled a few curses and defeatedly walked away. you didn't say a word, and neither did he. you started the round, playing as white, and ended up beating him in less than ten moves, wiping the smug smile off his face and replacing it with an infatuated one. 

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