you're sad

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neil- "rehearse lines with me, darling, it'll be fun!" neil came bursting through the door, his snow covered jacket flying behind him. 

"not today, sweetie, i'm sorry." he looked up, worried at your response. seeing that your eyes were tear-stained and puffy, and you were curled up in your bed. he immediately jumped over to you and cuddled you into a hug before pulling away and leaving without another word. after a while, he came back with a bag full of goodies, and one of his softest sweaters, and curled into bed with you, no longer caring about rehearsing lines. 

todd- you hadn't been feeling very good for a while, and todd had started to notice. he spent more time with you, giving more compliments, and making sure to steal whatever he could from the kitchen. now, you sat next to each other, silently doing your homework, your pinkies intertwined under the table. he couldn't help but stare at the bags under your eyes, and the lines your frown made. he closed your books for you, earning a few confused protests, and dragged you out into the courtyard. you lied on the grass for god knows how long, until he got a smile from you. 

charlie- sometimes this boy can be oblivious to most everything, so it didn't surprise you that he didn't notice you weren't doing well until you broke down in the bathroom one day in-between classes. charlie always walks you to and from the bathroom, not trusting the other boys in welton, and when he couldn't, one of the dead poets would take his place. but on this particular day, he could hear muffled sobbing coming from inside the door, and instantly panicked. he practically broke down the door and immediately pulled you into a hug, stroking your hair, and shushing you. you stayed like that for a while, just hugging and comforting, until he pulled the both of you up and walked to his dorm.

"but charlie, we have class-"

"fuck class, you need a break"

knox- like i've said before, knox never leaves your side, so every time you were sad, he was right there with you. he noticed how tired you looked in keatings class and threw a note at your head asking if you were okay. the captain himself noticed this and plucked the note from out of your hand, opening his mouth to read it, then changing his mind when he saw what it said, and how you looked. 

"miss y/l/n and mr overstreet, you are excused from todays class, just don't get caught" 

you two spent the rest of the day watching rom-coms and eating junk food. 

pitts- you were feeling a little sad, so you began to distance yourself from pittsie a bit, declining your tuesday walks, not going to meetings, and not going to hang out in his dorm as much anymore. he obviously noticed this and talked with the boys about it in a very tearful manner. knox suggested that he bring you flowers and chocolate to win you back, charlie recommended sex. he listened to knox. he showed up at your door the next day, a handful of flowers, chocolate, and a drawing he made of you, and a mouthful of apologies. you hugged him before he could even finish his sentence and cried into his neck, offering your own apology for being so cold. he put his things down on your dresser and hugged you back. you hugged the whole night, and woke up the next morning with your head on his chest and his arms wrapped around you. 

meeks- "chess? homework? how bout a book?" he offered to the lump of blanket, who refused.

"for gods sake, pants, what do you want from me?" he laughed and tried to tear the blanket off from over your head, promptly failing and earning a kick from you. finally, he managed to crawl his way under the blanket to lay on top of you, peppering you with kisses until you finally gave in to a smile.

"wanna talk about it?" 

and so you talked and talked and talked, and felt better, his arms around you the whole time. 

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