funniest thing they've said/ inside joke

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neil- "hadfksja i wanna be a mouse so bad" you were talking about a little mouse you saw that you thought was adorable to neil and he managed to be a cheesy romantic and a dumbass at the same time. needless to say, you still tease him about it. 

todd- "but how do- how do i run? oh, nevermind" the sentence itself isn't inherently funny, but with context it sure is. you had just bought a vr set and was letting todd try it, and lets just say he got completely lost in it and ran into the wall at full speed. 

charlie- "spaghetti? more like nightmare noodles!" you had just been yelled at by hager for laughing too much when charlie threw a forkful of spaghetti at your face and yelled said sentence at you. needless to say, both of you got detention. 

knox- "boy oh boy, the moon is so bright i need sunglasses" you were at the cave with the rest of the dead poets when he said this (it was almost pitch black outside) and put on a pair of heart-shaped sunglasses. 

pitts- "i thought it meant 'big fucking giant'!" you and pitts had gotten into your hourly debate about height and the fact he is actually the BFG and he blurt this out, with the most confused face you had ever seen. he basically had to hold you up while you laughed so hard. 

meeks- "homer could hit it, on god"  you and meeks had been having a serious discussion about greek philosophy and the importance of certain lines, specifically in the iliad, when he randomly said this. you were in the middle of a sentence and just stopped and stared at him for a minute before he shrugged and you laughed so hard charlie came to check on you.

the dead poetsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें