you meet his family

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neil- you weren't all that excited to meet mr and mrs perry considering your previous knowledge on how they treated their son and your boyfriend, but you made an effort nonetheless. they had invited the two of you over for dinner to officially meet you, and neil was stressing more than you had ever seen him stress. you squeezed his hand in the back of the car as dr hager drove. the dinner was pleasant, if not quiet. mrs perry asked lots of questions and you kept up a steady stream of polite conversation. overall, the two were quite happy that neil chose you, and you were invited over for dinner again the next week. 

todd- jeffrey was in town, so an invitation for lunch at their house was extended not only to todd, but to you as well. todd kept whispering encouragement to you, and you did the same back to him. his parents were delighted to meet you and his mother was quick to buddy up with you (where did you get that dress? you are just as beautiful as todd said. we must go for brunch this weekend!) and todds father shook your hand, not unkindly. jeffrey was quick to joke about your relationship, which you defended, seemingly earning his respect for it. overall, they loved you and loved that todd had you. 

charlie- it was his parents that extended the invitation to you first, a fancy stuffy restaurant in the nice part of town. the whole thing seemed slightly hysterical to you. charlie in a suit, charlie trying to fix your hair, charlie keeping a straight face. you couldn't help but laugh at him in the car. his parents were tough to talk to, and the conversation fell flat many times, but you were determined. eventually you kept up a steady stream about antiquities, and his parents admitted you were pleasant enough, and you were invited to their house whenever you wanted. 

knox- knox made a whole DAY about it. he wanted his parents to like you so much, so you all went to your mothers favourite restaurant, and he made cue cards of dinner conversation. you quickly abandoned that and fell into easy conversation, talking about school, the future, hobbies, pretty much anything. his parents loved you, and thought you were a perfect match for their son. 

pitts- you were scared you wouldn't see pitts much over the summer break, until he and his family invited you to stay and their summer cottage with them. once the two of you had arrived, his mother greeted you with a big hug and his dad shook your hand enthusiastically, and took your luggage to your room. his family LOVED you. you played board games all night and fell asleep on his shoulder by the campfire. 

meeks- your meeting with his parents was very casual, as was most things in your relationship. it was visiting day, and you were unaware that his parents would be showing up, so when they walked into meeks room while you were in a debate about the trig homework in latin, you nearly fell off the bed. meeks greeted his parents and introduced you quickly, you shook hands and said all the right things, but they still thought you were a bit strange. 

(a/n: thank you guys so much for all the support on this book, i love you all so much. i am running out of ideas so please please please make suggestions. <3)

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