how they asked you out

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neil- neil wasn't afraid of making it known to you that he had feelings, unabashedly flirting and making comments about a relationship. so it didn't shock you much when he showed up one day, white rose in hand with a romantic shakespeare quote ready.

 "Silence is the perfectest herald of joy. I were but little happy if I could say how much.—Lady, as you are mine, I am yours. I give away myself for you and dote upon the exchange."

you, of course, were quick to accept the offer with a wide smile and a shakespeare quote in return. 

"I had rather hear my dog bark at a crow, than a man swear he loves me."

He laughed at this, and asked if 7 was okay. 

todd- the first few times in each others company was awkward, filled with small talk and long silences, but todd soon opened up and felt comfortable around you, comfortable enough to make a move even. he decided to copy your method of first communication and wrote a note which he placed in a book and set it down in front of you, and you two were now sitting next to each other, quietly discussing poetry every once in a while.

do you want to go on a date with me?

you opened the note with furrowed brows and a scowl before reading the scrawling words and nodding profusely and excitedly, a relieved smile overtook him and you both continued to read in silence, occasionally glancing up for a smile, or reciting a part of the book you liked. 

charlie- charlie had asked plenty of girls out before, so he was confused when his palms got sweaty and the words got caught in his throat. the whole group was heading back towards welton when charlie grabbed your arm to hold you back a bit. you noticed knox give him a bit of a wink before turning to catch up with the rest of the boys. you cocked your head in confusion at him before he stumbled out the words.

"willyougooutwithme?" it was all fast and slurred.

"i expected something a little more suave, charlie dalton, but yes, yes i will."

he couldn't understand why he felt so nervous around you, why flirting seemed harder, or why you made his knees weak, but he came to like the feeling. 

knox- you were sitting at breakfast when you glanced over to see knox nodding and glancing towards your table, half-listening to his very intense friends. you smiled to yourself at the sight, wondering what the hell they could be talking about so seriously at 8 in the morning. you heard a chair squeak and footsteps approach you and you looked up to find knox, holding a bouquet of flowers and a small piece of paper.

as sure as the sun rises

as beautiful  as the trees in the wind

i want you to be mine

he stumbled over the words of the short, but sappy poem and ended it by asking if he could take you on a date. you gave him a smile and laughed at how dorky he is before agreeing and going back to your food. you watched out of your peripheral as the whole table celebrated the success of their romantic friend. 

pitts- the two of you had just finished talking about carpe diem and how short life was when he suddenly turned to you.

"I like you." he looked as if he regretted it the moment he said it. you stopped him before he could say any more.

"I like you too, ger." he sighed a breath of relief and went back to softly petting bun.

"does that mean you want to go out with me?" he asked, not looking up.

"yes, it does." you reached over to give bun a pat before leaning your head on his arm. he smiled widely at this, surprised at his own bluntness. 

"good, good, alright then." 

meeks- "i win, and you have to go on a date with me." he set the chess set down between the both of you, and tried to catch your eye. you looked up at him in disbelief.

"pardon?" you laughed a bit.

"i win, we go on a date, okay?" you nodded and considered his offer before turning the board around so he was playing white.

"just to make it fair." you winked at him and he felt his face flush. it was a long and arduous game, gathering many spectators as the game went on and the prize was revealed to the onlookers. you ended up with only a few pawns, one rook, and an exposed king left. he got checkmate and you smiled, mostly to yourself. 

"you have been practicing." you pointed at him with an accusatory finger.

"i wanted to win." he shrugged. "so how does friday sound?" you chuckled and shook his hand.

"a deal's a deal."

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