they're upset

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neil- when neil is upset, he gets really irritable and needs to be away from everyone. you learned quite early on that it is easiest to just let him have his time alone, or just sit with him in silence when he's in one of these moods and let him work it out himself. he rarely gets to do things without having his hand held by his father the whole way, so he likes some independence every once in a while. 

todd- todd gets extra smiley and happy when he's upset, but its really only a facade. he was never really allowed to have much emotion or outbursts at home, so he feels like he has to be happy all the time. when you notice the fake smile, the best thing to do is just take him to a quiet place and let him cry into your shoulder alone. 

charlie- charlie acts out when hes upset. charlie acts out most of the time, but it is noticeably angrier when somethings happened to make him sad. you have to stop him from fighting people, breaking things, and arguing with teachers. his dad has always taught him that his masculinity depended on his ability never to cry, but he doesn't give a damn about masculinity when you hold him and tell him how wonderful he is. 

pitts- pittsie gets really distant when he's upset. he was always told that he took up too much space his whole life, so he always tries to stay neutral and easy to love, but he also doesn't know how to ask for help when he needs it, so you have to seek him out and help before he fully breaks. you take him on extra dates when he gets like this, and try to keep him active with the rest of the boys to keep him from spiraling. 

meeks- meeks doesn't do well with emotion at all. he doesn't understand it and he doesn't like that he doesn't understand it, and that makes him mad, which makes him yell. you don't care when he yells and calls you names and screams at you that he never loved you, cause you know it's not true, and he knows its not true. you'll sit through it until he's finished and then hug him until hes calm enough to get some rest. 

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