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Rosa Giovenesi's P. O. V

"I see the dog is still horny."


"Yes. Lola is secure in her sexuality and she damn well should be." Fen certainly isn't one to be shy at first meetings and, like the extrovert that she is, actually thrives in situations such as the one currently taking place.

I wouldn't call myself an extrovert, but I don't really fall into the introvert scale. I'm definitely an ambivert and it all honestly depends on how I'm feeling at the time. Some days I can be very reserved around even the people I know, tending to keep to myself and let others do the talking. There are other days when I'm talking up a storm and making a fool of myself in the process, which I cringe over later on, but that doesn't stop me from repeating the mistakes.

"I take it she is your roommate?" Mr Leo's words come out in a question, but it is more rhetorical, the man knowing exactly who she is. There's no way in hell he has no clue. Not if you factor in who is to my father.

"You must be one of her father's goons. Is he the good one or the bad one?" Fen lifts herself up into a sitting position, horribly dyed bleach hair sticking up every which way as she flings the crisp packet to the side. The action makes me cringe as my hands itch to put it in the dustbin straight away.

Mr Leo clamps a hand onto my shoulder, squeezing gently before letting go. The fatherly smile I've come to love growing onto his face as his dark eyes take on a certain twinkle.

"Good. He's one of the good ones." Fen takes note of the meaning behind my words, nodding her head and immediately turning respectful. If the person is good to me, Fen is good to them. Granted, she doesn't let any of us take any bullshit from people who are all too eager to dish it out, but not so enthusiastic about applying it to themselves. I'm much the same way, and it's probably one of the reasons why Fen and I mesh so well together.

Fen's nod is sufficient evidence of her dropping the mini interrogation, and Mr Leo picks up on that as well.

I watch as the older man settles himself onto the sofa, being careful to not sit too close to the dog with its pent-up frustrations, and Fen takes that as her cue to get up and leave. I get a meaningful nod from her direction. The woman is not too keen on getting into the messy business that might put her life on the line.

Silence lapses around the two of us except for Lola, who is currently snoring away on the sofa, causing a riot that has Mr Leo wincing as he presses something on his hearing aid. "I've been wearing these damn things since I was born but I still haven't gotten used to them."

"I didn't know hearing aids came out during the seventeenth century." He doesn't take too kindly to me making a quip about his old age, settling for a simple glare before we lapse into silence once again.

Taking in a deep breath, I make my way over to the large windows, enjoying the night light while cars and pedestrians make their way across, looking like ants from this height. The artificial lights appear like glimmering stars, which causes a pang of melancholy to hit me. What I wouldn't give to sit under a canopy of stars, trying to make out all the various constellations which I have not a single clue about, a gentle breeze ruffling my hair and letting the temperature drop.

My mind flits to memories of my mother and I sitting in our backyard, laying on a picnic blanket and trying to find the little dipper but considering my mother's poor eyesight and me barely knowing the sun is a star, it wasn't the most successful of tries.

"It's dangerous what you are trying to do, but I'm not going to stop you. It's what you need to do to get some peace of mind."

Turning slightly towards him, my body remains angled as I look over my shoulder. "I'm still not sure what it is exactly that I'm going to do, but just that it will be something. My father knows I can't stand him and he feels the same way. I'm only a byproduct of an archaic arranged marriage, which resulted in the way everyone expected it to. He's a horrible man not only to my mother but to the world in general. I'll be just as bad as him if I turn a blind eye to him and what he does."

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