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"Should I be offended? My company isn't that bad you know? Sure, I talk a lot. Hardly ever shut up actually but I know when to speak and when not to."

"Doesn't seem like it," My words are harsh and I instantly feel bad although I don't regret what I've said.

Silence greets the two of us for a few brief moments before it's disrupted by soft muffled giggles. I don't look to my side but stare straight ahead.

The scenario that greets me is beautiful but doesn't bode well with me. The road stretches for miles on end with lush green trees barricading us on both sides. The forest is one thick solid blur that whizzes past us at immense speed. The journey that lies ahead would have irritated me further but the comfort of the fancy car causes the irritation to ebb away.

Although no matter how plush the leather seats are and how roomy the interior is, I know it won't ease the uncomfortable feeling in my chest. My heart lays heavy almost as if I've got some sort of indigestion, the organ panging and causing me to raise my hand as I rub my chest discreetly.

"I'm sure he doesn't mean to be an ass," Rico speaks up once more softly. The tone of voice takes me off guard since I've not heard the man speak without giving off the impression that he's up to something that'll piss everyone off.


My feigned nonchalance makes him scuff out loud as he speeds up, even more, flexing his hand against the steering wheel.

"Luca. It's no coincidence that you've been in a mood ever since we left his place."

My frown grows ever deeper and I have to cross my arms across my chest, feeling bare and left out into the open. I hate how I feel at this moment in time, not knowing why I'm so affected. I was in such a happy mood when I got up. I was apprehensive, sure, not knowing how Luca would react to the way we behaved last night. The page turned in the blink of an eye when I was basically on cloud nine the way Luca was so easygoing only for him to get his guard up when Rico strolled into the room.

I can't even hold it against the man. I know if he saw any other way then he'd have told Leo and me. He would have made sure that I'm safe and somewhere where he can keep an eye on me, not out of feelings but out of the sheer promise he made me to keep me protected.

Even though I've been reasoning with myself for the better part of half an hour, my heart still doesn't accept it. I feel betrayed and as stupid as it is as if I have a right to not feel good about how Luca so easily made me go without him coming with me.

Leo and Rico are an unlikely pair but together, I can tell they're a force to be reckoned with. Rico, as much as he's easygoing and someone I don't trust with the way his loyalties change in a split second, the man is clever. Too clever for his own good. When it comes to Leo, the man has years of experience under his belt and is silent but observant which puts even me on edge. No matter how close to me the man is, I'm always weary of him and how he can probably see through my very soul.

"I don't like the thought of moving into your house, surrounded by people who raided my apartment and could potentially kill me because of a bounty I have on my head thanks to my father."

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