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Luca and I share a long drawn out look. The hesitance on my face is clear as day and something he quickly picks up on.

It's not that I don't trust Leo. The man could lead me somewhere blindfolded and I would have complete and utter faith in him but there's just something about the way he mentioned he has a place that doesn't sit right with me. 

Luca steps forward, my shoulder brushing against his arm while we share body heat together. I physically have to stop myself from leaning into him, knowing that things aren't as easy as this.

What? We share one kiss and then flop all over each other?

Luca didn't even initiate the kiss. It was me gasping around like a desperate fish out of water trying to lock lips with him in the dead of night.

The memory brings a faint blush to my cheeks and my eyes involuntarily flicker away from the tense jaw that I was eyeing up just moments prior.

Leo's dark eyes flutter to mine, a questioning gaze shining in them but instead of freaking out like a little girl whose secret boyfriend has been found out by her father, I act oblivious and as if I have no idea what he's on about.

Hence the puckered lips and furrowed brows, trying to mimic the picture of bewilderment.

"What place do you know of? No offence, uncle but I'm not sure how you managed to find a place suitable enough for Rosa to stay when I haven't even managed to find a place that satisfies me let alone you."

The man has a point and something that increasingly makes me on edge. Either Leo has a half assed place in mind, something which I can't accept. I know Leo. He's like a father to me and it's not just one sided.

I'm like the daughter he's never managed to have. This is why I know that Leo isn't finding just a random place to stash me away from the eyes of my father.


This place is somewhere my father will never look. Unfortunately, that doesn't mean it's all easy breezy.

The hesitance and lack of forthcoming words put me more on edge than before especially when he doesn't answer Luca right away.

Leo's face turns grim and his eyes narrow in thought, pondering over what words to utter next.

"You won't like this Rosa. Neither will you Luca. For obvious reasons but there's most likely another factor that I need to take into consideration," Leo's words leave me stupified, not sure what he's on about.

One glance at Luca has me satisfied that he doesn't know what Leo is going on about either.

"I don't like beating around the bush, Leo. I know I won't like wherever it is you have in mind but it must be a damn good place if you're satisfied that it's good enough for Rosa."

It's like a sixth sense. My gut tenses at the figurative calm before the storm.

Leo smiles wearily before stepping away from the both of us.

The man turns around, walking away and out of the kitchen.

"Leo, where are you going?"

I don't get a reply other than the man shooing me away with the back of his hand, too focused on his next mission.

I don't have to wait long for an answer as I hear him open the front door, quiet murmurs erupting letting me know there was someone waiting outside this entire time. Sparing Luca a glance, I'm met with a shrug of his shoulders which has me sighing.

Looks like he's as lost as I am.


A few moments later, the sound of two pairs of footsteps greets me before Leo pops his head back into the room.

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