Chapter 10: The Enemy

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A/N: Hey Hey, sorry for the late update! My school has started again and I have a shit ton of homework... but I hope you all were waiting for this chapter...? XD



I load my gun and hear the door close. Olivia and Emily are gone... I still can't get the image of her crying out of my head... it sort of... hurt me... That's weird and fucked up...

"Boss..." Sebastian says, getting me back to reality"...the car is ready"

I nod and stroll to the door. Celeb walks over to me to stand on my left side and Sebastian on the other, both their gun are loaded and their mind on 100% concentration.

We need to be careful in this situation; the Chins aren't exactly the friendly type of guys...

The Chins are the Chinese Mafia who is currently trying to rule our territory, but that's not going to happen! We will stop them and then we will take their territory!

Right now they have Manhattan and Bronx, and we have Brooklyn and Queens. Staten Island is the territory of the Russian Mafia but soon it will be ours too if you see how fast we could take over Brooklyn...

But right now we need to think first before we react, otherwise we will lose and I can't let that happen!

Me and my dad are born to rule Italy but now, I want New York... I'm fucking born for this position! Even when I was little I trained myself to not give a fuck about others and just take what I want... not caring about the consequences...just like our old man... I don't want to admit it, but I and dad are more alike than I thought.

Celeb is my younger step-brother, he is 25 and I'm 30 so there isn't much of an age gap...My dad liked to fuck around and sometimes accidents happens... and see now! We have Celeb... but he is fine, even when he is a pain in the ass sometimes. At first Celeb and I couldn't really find our way together, I just couldn't believe he was my brother but after a while I began to accept him more. I kind of trust him with my life. We've been through so much together that I know him better then he knows himself.

And then you have Olivia, my real blood sister. She is 27 and is still single, but I like it that way! No asshole in Queens is good enough for her! Olivia is sort of my back up. If something happens to me she will be next in line to take everything over. I believe she can do this just fine. I don't want to admit it but she is smart as hell! Even smarter than me sometimes... but she doesn't really want this position. She knows I want it so she backs away... thank you fucking much, sis!

I also have a second younger step-brother. He's name is Liam and we have a huge age gap. Right now he is 15, which mean I was 15 at the time he was born... I couldn't even accept Celeb at the time let alone him. He and I aren't really friends. Of course we know each other, but it's not that we hang out much... but he and Celeb both have a better relationship then me and him... Hell even Olivia has a better relationship!

We make our way to the car but not before I spot Emily's brown hair in the corner of my eyes. I turn and gaze at her, specifically her ass...

Fuck! She is beautiful!

What would I like to fuck her, to make her scream my name and come... Fucking hell! I want to touch her so badly, to taste her, to sink my cock so deep in her hot, little pussy...

I feel my cock stir in my pants, and try to put it in a comfortable way but it's no use... my cock wants her and you know what? So do I!

"What's wrong, bro?" Celeb asks as he notices me staring at her.

"Nothing! Come sit in the car" I say and step in, when Celeb and Sebastian sit down I begin to talk again "The Chins are breaking in on our territory again!"

"Shit!" Celeb says behind me. "What are we going to do?"

"WHAT DO YOU THINK!?" I say irritated. "Of course we are going to kill the motherfuckers! They need to get the hell out of our territory!"

"Okay, so killing them and then what?" he asks.

Sebastian sighs and answers him "What the boss meant is that we first need a plan before we react, asshole"

Sebastian is one of my closes friends. We met in high school and I immediately felt a connection... it's like we share a brain together... He always got my back and I got his. He is sometimes a fucker but so I'm I...

"Seb is right! That's why we need to split!"

Celeb and Sebastian both agree and I speed up, going to the west side of Queens.

We come there 10 minutes later and I immediately spot some of the Chins gang members. They are in all in an open spot in the park. Currently nobody, except for the Chins, are there.

I look over at Celeb and I give him the single to go right, I then look at Sebastian and wave him off to the other side. I will go to the back.

We all step outside and go to our places. I take my gun out, making sure it's loaded and I shoot 3 times in the air. That's my single for action. We all step out of the shadows and shoot. The Chins weren't expecting this because they all fall dead immediately, except for one...

"PLEASE! PLEASE! DON'T KILL ME!!!" one of the Chins gang members beg me, sitting on his knees. I just point my gun at him, not caring what he has to say.

"WAIT!" I hear Celeb saying behind me. "I think he want to say something"

I look at him, but gives in.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I say to him in mandarin.

Yes, I learned to speak Chinese when I was younger... just because for this moment...

He looks at me confuted and so do Celeb and Sebastian, but he still answers me. "We... we... want to compromise" he starts and I frown at him, now I'm the one confused... "The boss...he... want to speak with you... that's... that's why we're here"

"What is he saying?" Celeb asks, but I ignore him, shooting the man before me in both his hands. "TELL YOUR BOSS TO FUCK HIMSELF!" I yell and head back to the car.

In the distance I hear him cry in pain but hear him also run away.

Let that MOTHERFUCKER run away to his SHITTY boss and tell him what I said!

"What did he say?" Celeb asks again and explain everything while I'm driving.

"That's some shit, boss" Sebastian says, looking out the window.

"Since when can you speak Chinese, bro? Why didn't I know this?"

"Because I'm still learning it, but I'm getting better and better!" I answer Celeb. He just sits back before he speaks again "What the fuck happened, by the way, in the office? When Emily was crying?"

"Her family are some SHIT!" Sebastian says.

I know what Celeb is referring to... he wants to know why I listen to her when she begged me to let her go and honestly... I don't have a fucking idea either... the only thing I know is that Emily is different, very different then the woman I usually hang out with.

I just ignore his question and drive back to my penthouse where my future wife is waiting for me... I'm coming Butterfly...

A/N: THIS IS THE END!  What did you think of this chapter? And the question of this chapter is.... What will happen between Emily and Mateo? Will there be a Hot, Steamy scene? XD

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