Share Your Song Recommendations!

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Hey everyone! I'm currently busy editing "Sold to Him" (It's quite challenging, you know, but I'm getting there), and I wanted to inform you that I won't be updating "Belongs to Him" for now (not that I have uploaded any time now). There might be some changes in "Sold to Him" that could affect the storyline in "Belongs to Him". However, I could really use your help!

I'm planning to create a playlist with songs that describe the essence of this book. Music not only uplifts me while working but also helps me get into the right mood while writing. If you know any songs that would fit the theme, please let me know. Once it's all done, I'll share the playlist here on Spotify so that everyone can enjoy listening to the songs while reading or just for fun.

(Let me know here)

Thank you so much for your support!

Loves, Linda Bruyneels.

Sold to him (The Mafia- El Ricci # 1)Where stories live. Discover now