Chapter 40: Making them jealous

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Mateo takes my hand when he leads me through the crowd; here are more people than I thought if I'm honest. The crowed is dancing up and down with the beat, laughing and flirting with each other. I didn't went out much, I preferred to stay home and study or something; anything to avoid people. Yes, my life was sad. I stumble a little but a steady body helps me.

"You're alright, Mrs. El Ricci?" James asks me and my hold on Mateo's hand tightens. Nodding to him, we step further. He and Kevin are right behind us, keeping an eye for suspicious men and to help me not to fall on my ass with these shoes. 6 inch heels aren't really my thing, but Olivia and Bella convinced me to wear it...Now I kind of regret it but I feel sexy in it; now I'm taller than I used to, that's a plus! We move towards the stairs and I think he would go to the VIP room upstairs but instead he leads me to a hidden section in the back, hidden behind Mateo's men.

"Emily!" Olivia yells when she sees me, I look up at Mateo who nods for me to run ahead and I do. I almost fall to the ground with these shoes but Olivia catches me just in time and we both laugh, giving each other a hug. "I missed you" she says a little drunk.

"We just saw each other 4 hours ago"

"I know but still, I missed you" she squeezes me hard before releasing me and stares at someone behind me. "Brother, nice to see you again" I turn my head, seeing my husband's tight nod before his arms loops around my waist.

"Let's sit down" he says and we all follow Olivia. Two men step a few feet aside, leaving a small space between them where we can walk through. Nodding to them, I spot Enzo in the corner, watching me intensely and Celeb with a girl I don't recognize tucked next to him, or more on his lap. I frown at him and he arches a brow at me when she grinds herself on him; she's beautiful, not going to lie but she's too way those boobs are real. I look around; a bar is in the corner and the bartender waves at us, I nod. The music here isn't as loud as I thought; it's like background music.

"Let's sit here" I say to Mateo, pointing at a spot on the couch closes to Celeb's. Mateo sits at the corner and I sit next to him, still holding his hand tightly. "Where's Bella?" I ask no one in particular.

"She will come any minute now, Oh-" Olivia looks at the crowd. "She's there" I turn as well and indeed see Bella in a tight red dress she chooses today; she looks stunning as always. Her blond, curly hair moving up and down when she walk like a model over to us. Olivia runs over to her, kissing her on the cheek and loops her arm through hers. They both walk over to us with a huge smile but Bella's soon fades when she spots Celeb and the girl on his lap. I look over at Celeb whose face is tight, a little blush forming when he looks her over; his eyes trail over her body like he's about to tear her clothes off and fucks her here and now on the table.

"Bella!" I say because Bella is feeling uncomfortable under his gaze and she gives me a thankful smile.

"Emily!" she walks over to me, I let Mate's hand go, stand up and we both give each other a hug.

"Who's she?" she whispers in my ear.

"I don't know" I answer truly. She nods, releasing me.

"Mateo" she says, nodding to him and he nods back, a whiskey in his hand; where the hell did he get that. Bella makes her way to the far end of Celeb, to the empty spot next to Enzo. Sebastian makes his way over to us, nodding to the men and Mateo.

"Okay, everyone is here..." Olivia says, standing in the middle of our circle. "I have an announcement to make" she clears her throat. "I'm going to marry Roberto Barron!" she claps her hands happily.

"You must be fucking kidding me..." Enzo says, taking a swig of his drink. "Roberto? From all people in this community you choose him..." and he chuckles. "This is a joke, right?" she doesn't response immediately and he throws his head back, whispering something I can't hear.

Sold to him (The Mafia- El Ricci # 1)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя