Chapter 2

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He woke up from his alarm clock, turned it off, and sat up. He stretched before releasing a loud yawn.

He got off his bed and headed to the bathroom, brushing his teeth. Leaving the bathroom, he headed to his room. Changing into the school's uniform.

The school uniform wasn't bad, it was a white button-up shirt, navy blue khakis pants, a navy blue tie, and navy blue jacket, though it was optional to wear the jacket. He grabbed a pair of shoes and put them on.

He went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, contemplating whether to brush my hair. It wasn't long, but without brushing it, it'll get fluffy. He decided to leave it, he was too tired to brush it.

He headed downstairs, grabbing an apple to eat on the way to school. He grabbed the keys before dropping them. "Shit," He muttered underneath his breath before going up to his room quickly, grabbing his backpack.

He went back downstairs and grabbed the keys from the floor, and headed out. Unlocking the car, and stepping inside. He turned on the ignition and quickly drove to school.

Once he had arrived at school, he parked in an empty parking space and turned off the car, grabbing his backpack, getting out of the car before closing the door and locking the car.

He headed inside the school, awaiting yet another dreadful day. Not being seen had its perks. Nobody cares about you which meant, no one talking or bullying you.

- -

After a few classes, it was finally time for lunch. He didn't necessarily like lunch but it was better than any other class. He went to my locker and took out a book from his backpack which he'd been reading for the past couple of days.

He then went to the cafeteria and sat down at his usual seat, a few people sitting there but not near me, which he liked.

He didn't eat lunch, why would he? The lunch they always served was disgusting. He didn't get how people enjoyed eating lunch.

He used to eat at lunch but that was before he drank spoiled milk. They changed the expiration date like they want students to die from poisoning.

He started reading my book though, it was hard to concentrate from the loud noises in the background, he managed to ignore it, sort of.

Once lunchtime had ended, he went back to his locker to put the book away and grabbed his math books for his next class.

He closed his locker and abruptly turned to start walking when suddenly he got knocked down. "Shit" He muttered, his ass starting to hurt from the sudden fall. "Shit, are you okay?" a guy asked, he looked up and saw Lucas.

Lucas was popular, though he didn't know many people, Lucas was someone who he was bound to remember since everyone talked about him.

Saying how sweet and funny he is. Or how stupidly hot he is, looking at Lucas closely, they were right.

Lucas was attractive, he was roughly 6ft tall, just a bit taller than Emerson, his hair was messy and shaggy, and a ginger color, Lucas was known for being reckless with his hair. Though it suited him. His eyes were grey, it was beautiful. He had freckles, it reminded Emerson of constellations.

Though nothing about Lucas was mysterious, he was an open book which he would never admit to anyone but he admired it.

He was pale, his body was built. He doesn't even think he plays any sports, how does he manage to keep that type of body? He was starting to feel inferior.

"Here I'll help you up" Emerson broke out of his daze, he realized he had been staring at Lucas, as much as Lucas was staring at him back. He reached out his hand for Emerson to grab, which Emerson, being prideful, didn't grab it.

He stood up by himself and wiped down his uniform and glared at Lucas.

"Woah easy there tiger," he said bringing his hands up defensively.

"I just wanted to offer you help since I bumped into you and knocked you down with my immense strength." He gloated.

Was he serious? Emerson rolled his eyes and bent down to grab his books. But before he can reach them, Lucas grabbed them quickly.

"Here you go," Lucas said, handing him the books with a bright smile.

How can someone be that happy? Especially in school.

Emerson grabbed the books from him and walked away. Lucas's eyes widened and he quickly jogged towards Emerson.

"Hey, wait up!" Lucas said and Emerson reluctantly slowed down. With a firm grip on his shoulder, he turned around and was met by a smile on Lucas's face.

"I didn't get the chance to apologize for bumping into you, so I'm sorry," Lucas said with a smile and Emerson nodded before turning around. Yet again, Lucas stopped him.

"I'm Lucas, what's your name?" Lucas asked. Emerson stared at him with a 'leave me alone' expression hoping Lucas would magically take the hint and leave him alone.

"You're a quiet one, aren't ya?" Why was Lucas trying to make an effort? Emerson wanted nothing more than to go to his class.

"Emerson" he replied before leaving, hurrying up to class, not wanting to be late.

"Emerson, what a pretty name." He could've sworn he heard Lucas say, but he didn't care enough to think about it.

He sat down at his usual seat, which was in the back near the window. He only sat there because he liked the view of the outside from there, and no one dares to sit next to him. Emerson wasn't even that intimidating, people just didn't try to talk to him anymore. Not that he was complaining.

The sound of the chair beside him moving grabbed his attention. Throughout the whole school year, no one has sat next to him. So who was the idiot that was going to destroy Emerson's peace?

Lucas, of course. Emerson didn't even know Lucas was in his class. "What a coincidence, we're in the same class," Lucas said with a beaming smile.

Emerson ignored him, focusing his attention on the teacher. "Why are you ignoring me?" Lucas asked. Was he always this annoying?

Yeah, Emerson never paid attention to Lucas before, considering he didn't even know Lucas was in his class but since when did Lucas pay any attention to Emerson.

Lucas's eyebrows furrowed. Emerson looked towards Lucas, his eyes going down to Lucas's lips, a pout was forming. He looked cute.

Emerson shook his head and turned back to the teacher, trying to focusing on what she was saying.

Lucas started poking his arm, was Lucas seriously this immature?

"Stop" Emerson deadpanned as he looked into Lucas's eyes with a bored expression.

"I'll stop if you become my friend" Lucas replied, with yet another smile. "No."

"Why not?" Lucas asked curiously. "I don't like you" half-truth. He didn't necessarily hate Lucas since he had no reason to but that didn't mean he liked Lucas either.

He felt nothing towards Lucas, but that wasn't bad, Emerson didn't feel anything for anyone. He didn't care enough about them to decide whether he liked or disliked them.

Though if Lucas didn't leave him alone, he might end up hating him.

"Impossible, everyone likes me. Who wouldn't like me?" A massive ego too, he for sure wasn't getting on Emerson's good side.

Though it's understandable, Lucas never did anything to make anyone hate him. He was a sweetheart, a himbo for sure but an absolute sweetheart.

"Yeah well, news flash you're not special" Emerson wouldn't admit it, but he regretted saying that.

Lucas frowned, he laid back down on his seat almost falling out of his seat with his arm crossed. He looked cute.

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