Chapter 6

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"Wait here I'll be back," Lucas said, pushing Emerson to the bed before leaving his room quickly.

"Okay?" He said being completely confused.

Lucas went to Elizabeth's room, tippy-toeing across her room, making sure to not make a lot of noise.

He grabbed a box, leaving the room quickly with a smile.

"Alright I'm back," Lucas said, sitting down on the bed as he placed the clear box between them.

There were beads inside. "What are we doing?" Emerson asked, and Lucas grinned. "A matching friendship bracelet"

... What?

Emerson was dumbfounded, was Lucas seriously seventeen? Was he a middle schooler trapped in the body of a high schooler?

"A friendship bracelet? You're awfully clingy when we just started hanging out today" Emerson stated, though he liked it.

"Sorry, I get told that I'm clingy a lot if it's genuinely bothering you, I'll stop," Lucas said and Emerson shook his head.

"I didn't say I hated it, it's refreshing." Lucas grinned widely.

"I knew you were getting soft on me" He teased causing Emerson to roll his eyes.

"Right well I never made a friendship bracelet so I don't know what I'm supposed to do" As Lucas grabbed an elastic string.

"It's quite simple, grab one of these strings that stretch," Emerson complied, getting a string.

"Then pick out any type of beads, you'll make one for me, and I'll make one for you. Colors that resemble your personality so when I wear it, I'll think of you" Lucas said with a smile, and Emerson nodded.

- -

"Alright I'm done," Emerson said once he finished trying the string. The colors were navy blue with a few black circulars beads.

"Me too," Lucas said showing Emerson his eagerly. Of course, Emerson shouldn't be surprised. It was colorful and not even in order of the actual rainbow colors that resembled his never suspecting what he's going to do next.

"Yours is so pretty, and bland. As expected" Emerson's eyes widened. "Did you just imply I'm bland?" He asked in shock.

"Yes but it's also pretty, as you" Emerson rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah, give me yours- well mine now, and here," He said giving Lucas's the bracelet he made, and grabbing the one Lucas made, putting it on. Lucas doing the same.

"It's pretty," He said and Lucas raised an eyebrow. "That's basically saying I'm pretty right?" He asked and Emerson shrugged.

"I didn't mean to imply that, but you are pretty" He stated. Lucas's heart sped up, putting a hand there. His cheeks turned a light shade of pink. "Did you flirt with me? I don't think my heart can handle it." Lucas said, a smile slowly overtaking his face.

"It's not flirting, I was just stating the obvious, don't get so worked up," He said, and Lucas nodded feeling a bit upset but not letting it show.

Emerson grabbed his phone, realizing it's almost six o'clock. "It's almost six, and I said I was going to leave at six." He said causing Lucas to sigh. "Yeah, I know."

"Here," Emerson grumbled softly, handing Lucas his phone. "Put your number in" Lucas's eyes shined, grabbing the phone with a grin, inserting his number.

He texted himself through the phone so he could save it, just in case Emerson didn't text him.

Handing him back the phone, Emerson shoved it inside his pocket. "Come on, you have to drop me off home" Lucas nodded.

Just as they were about to open the front door, his parents came in.

"Oh! We didn't know you had a guest over." His mom said in shock, making Lucas scratch his neck.

Meeting his whole family in a day, nerve-racking.

"Yeah, we were just leaving, I have to drop him off home," Lucas said. "Have you eaten?" She asked and Emerson nodded. "Lucas made me his specialty, microwaved ramen soup" Emerson replied.

His parents started laughing. "That's our Lucas, he can cook, he just gets lazy. He always loved cooking, when he first started to enjoy cooking and tried getting better at it, he almost burnt the kitchen down. Yet, that didn't stop him from trying to get better." His dad said and Emerson raised an eyebrow in amusement.

"Supposedly he's so good, Gordan Ramsay wait, how did you phrase it? Ah! Right. He'd be quaking in his boots" Emerson teased, causing Lucas to flush red in embarrassment while his parents laughed in unison.

"Har har, what is this? Make fun of the sexiest guy to ever exist day?" Emerson rolled his eyes.

"More like the dumbest guy to ever exist" Lucas gasped. "Now that's no way to treat someone who made you food"

"Please, microwaving ramen soup barely classifies as cooking," Emerson said and Lucas shrugged. "It was still good though."

"Alright well I'm going to make dinner, you're welcome to stay for dinner but it's your choice." His mom said and Emerson shook his head.

"I'd love to but I should get going home, I'm supposed to be home by seven and it's-" Emerson took out his phone "six twenty." Lucas's parents nodded understanding.

"It was nice meeting you," He said simply. "You too, oh! We never got your name, what is it?" She asked.

"It's Emerson" He answered and they nodded. "Well mine is Ruby and my husband's name is Adrian" Emerson nodded before turning to Lucas.

"Let's go," He said, earning a nod from Lucas who grabbed his keys quickly and both of them headed outside.

They both got in the car, Lucas turning the ignition on.

The car ride was silent, yet comfortable. Emerson didn't live far away so the drive back was quick, no less than 7 minutes.

Once they had arrived, Lucas parked in the driveway.

"Today was fun," Lucas said with a smile. "Yeah, it was."

"I'll text you when I get back home" Emerson nodded before taking off his seatbelt and getting out of the car.

"Bye Emerson," Lucas said with a smile and Emerson waved bye before walking off to the front of his door, opening it then closing it once he was inside.

A smile overtook his face, it was weird. Today was the best day of Emerson's life. He didn't even know what it was about Lucas that instantly made him feel comfortable and himself.

He hadn't talked this much to someone other than his mom in forever, scratch that. He never talked to anyone that much.

Lucas Hart, someone Emerson didn't think he needed.

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