Chapter 37 (finale)

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hey, do you still
wanna hang out?

                                                     lucas: ofc!! do i
                                                     pick you up rn?

emerson: yeah
thanks <3

                                                    lucas: see you
                                                    in a bit, <333

emerson: okay

Emerson turned off their phone and looked down at what they were wearing. They doubted they were gonna do anything fancy, so they decided to not change.

Besides, it'll get colder later.

Emerson waited around fifteen minutes before Lucas texted them, saying that they were here.

Quickly, Emerson left their room, and went to the front door, leaving the house. Getting inside the car, Emerson immediately smiled.

"What's got you all smiley? Is it my presence? I know, I know. I'm so amazing." Lucas said cockily, and Emerson gave her their signature eye roll.

"Shut up, and let's go to the secret place, I have something to tell you," Emerson said, and Lucas nodded. "Okay."

And with that, they drove to the place where they told each other how they felt.

Arriving there, Lucas took out the blanket they used last time. "It's a good thing I left it here," Lucas said before he closed the door.

They walked to the spot they were last time and Lucas laid down the blanket, and they both sat down.

Staring into the sky, it was already dark. The bright stars, the soft sound of Lucas breathing, and the delicate wind moving Lucas's hair made him look ethereal. The moonlight illuminated their features.

"I told my mom," Emerson said, and Lucas looked stunned, wondering what they were talking about. "About what specifically?" She asked, curiously.

"My sexuality, gender, and um... Us" Emerson said the last part hesitantly. Because well, they weren't exactly lovers, yet.

"How'd she take it," Lucas asked, yet their mind was wondering what Emerson meant by 'us'. Did Emerson want them to officially be together? Ignoring that though, Lucas grabbed Emerson's hand to comfort them, in case things went badly.

"It actually went good. I explained the whole concept of gender identity and um she wants to talk to you, to give you the whole parent talk. But ignoring that, there was something else I wanted to talk to you about." Emerson added, and Lucas raised an eyebrow, curiously.

"There's more?" Emerson nodded, sighing. Lucas could tell how nervous they were.

Doing what he does best, she caressed their hand gently and smiled. A smile that says more than words ever could.

A smile that says that no matter what, Lucas was there for them. A smile that made what Emerson had to say easier.

"I think- no I know that I'm ready. Being with you, makes me feel happier than I ever had in my whole life. You're so infuriatingly dense sometimes, and it just makes me like you even more. I've never been in a relationship or even had an actual friendship, and not only are you the person I want to be with, but you're my best friend. You know me more than anyone, and we've only known each other for a few months but the fact in the beginning all I wanted to do was get rid of you since you irritated me like no other. But you stayed by my side, even when I was being a bit of an ass. I'm eternally grateful that you stayed to be my friend, you make me so happy. So, when I say I'm ready, I mean I want you to officially be my partner." Emerson said, before looking away in embarrassment.

After a couple of seconds, Emerson looked back and Lucas, who was silent, but because they were crying. Their hand covers their mouth, to silence their sobs.

"Freckles?! Why are you crying?" Emerson asked worriedly. "You make me so happy too, of course, I want to be your partner. I'd want nothing more, oh my gosh you're so cute. Can I kiss you?" Lucas suddenly asked, and Emerson nodded.

In less than a second, Lucas grabbed Emerson's face, and crashed their lips together. It was messy but full of passion, and love.

Lucas pulled away, both of them panting, and their hearts beating quickly. "I'm so in love with you," Lucas said, and Emerson's eyes widened as they blushed at the sudden declaration. "You are?"

Lucas nodded enthusiastically. "Deeply, I love everything about you." Emerson smiled wholeheartedly.

"Especially your smile, butterfly. Emerson, you smiling was something that rarely occurred, and now? Now it happens so frequently, and because of lil ol' me. That can only mean that you are so in love with me, it makes you smile stupidly." Emerson rolled their eyes but leaned against Lucas.

"Yeah yeah, I love you too, you big goofball." Lucas kissed Emerson's forehead.

"All I heard was that you love me so much like you're so in love with me." Emerson smiled slightly, but genuinely.

"Yeah, I am." After saying that, Emerson sat up, and rested their hand on Lucas's shoulder before leaning.

They were barely an inch apart. "Can I?" Lucas smiled. "Of course, you can" And with that Emerson closed the small gap, and Lucas put her hands on their waist, slowly caressing it.

Their lips moving in sync, Emerson opened their mouth ever so slightly, but enough for Lucas to push their tongue in their mouth.

Emerson slowly moved their other hand to the back of Lucas's neck. Emerson lifted themselves and sat down on Lucas's lap.

Lucas smirked ever so slightly due to that action. Lucas pulled away and started kissing their cheek, their jawline, and down to their neck.

Licking, and sucking softly. Emerson tilted their head back, aroused at the action. Surprised when a moan escaped their lips.

"Fuck, butterfly. You're beautiful" Lucas said before he kissed them again.

"Lucas..." Emerson panted once they pulled away. "Fucking hell, I'm so in love with you," Lucas smiled, her eyes practically closed. Their cheeks aching over how much he's been smiling.

"I..." Lucas started, before kissing Emerson's cheek. "Love" He added, kissing their neck where they left a very visible hickey, which they don't regret doing. "You" With that, they pressed a final kiss on their lips.

"Okay, I get it. I love you too" Emerson said, laughing.

"Oh! I also came out, to my parents. You know my dad is bi? I was so shocked. Like he's actually bisexual and I didn't even know." Lucas said, and Emerson's eyes widened, not expecting that.

"I'm glad they took it well, and he is? I honestly didn't expect that" Lucas nodded. "Me either, but I'm happy I know now." They both smiled and held hands. Enjoying each other's embrace, looking at the starry sky.

This, now this was absolutely perfect.

Both of them smiling, and both of them without a doubt, are completely in love. Lucas never getting over that in the beginning Emerson smiling was a rare occurrence, and now? Now Lucas has the pleasure of seeing their lover, smiling every fucking day.

And that's an absolute pleasure.

The end.

A/N: hi! i hope you enjoyed this, i originally was planning on making this a trilogy but honestly could not. i might do one in the future but for now i'll stick to writing just stand alones.

A Rare Occurrence Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora