Chapter 26

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A couple of days has passed, it was currently Sunday, Emerson recently had gotten Cameron's number, even though they were the ones who asked Emerson for it.

Lucas and Emerson were both planning on hanging out today, in half an hour. Emerson started wondering if he should confess, rather than when they even should.

cameron: yo,
you're hanging
out with lucas
today right?

emerson: yeah,

omg are you
finally gonna
tell her you
like him??

emerson: no :/

cameron: :/
pls, the amount
of patience they
have is crazy

emerson: fr but
idk if i even should
im not really a
people's person

cameron: lmao
mood, but neither
am i, but idk :/
i think that even
though you may
not be as open
with your feelings
as they would be,
he'd understand that,
and like yk?? she
won't pressure you &

emerson: no, i know
that they'll be
patient with me.
i just think he can
do better, yk? :/

cameron: better
than you?? give
yourself come credit,
will ya? you're such a
catch, if you weren't,
i wouldn't even have
considered being
your friend. and lucas
wouldn't have liked
you. okay lmao a lie
she seems like they'd
like anyone and
everyone, but he
wouldn't have liked
you romantically

emerson: ig...
it'll be so awkward
confessing. idk if
i'm ready to risk
our friendship, in
cause we don't work

yeah but you
never know, until
you try. besides im
like 99% sure you'll
work out. bc he seems
like they're head over

emerson. :/...
i'll think about it
so, what's with
you and wilson??

cameron: ;)
they're cool
& shit yk

emerson: lmao
seems like you
care about him sm

cameron: i mean
yeah, i really do
care about him. he's
masculine which
is <333 yk?? but idk
if yk, but i'm sorta
a bitch :/

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