Chapter 7 In your Eyes

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We went to buy some flowers.we bought some as a sample to show her.

"It's already iam going home" i said

"Goodbye" he replied.i didn't say anything more i thought he would walk me home as usual.i started walking..i was walking i saw a colourful leave on the road so i looked down at it.while looking down suddenly i heard a horn sound.i looked front and saw a truck coming at me.i didn't get to move myself so i closed my eyes.i felt someone pushed me while hugging me.i opened my eyes and those pretty big eyes met mine.

"Are you Alright?!how can you be so careless?!" He said..

I pushed him and replied,"oh come on Ethan there was a beautiful leave on the road."

"You would kill your self for A fvcking leave?!" He seemed so angry at me.i looked away and sighed.he came to me and hold my hand."wtf are you doing?"

"Teaching you how to walk in roads"

"Seriously?i know how to walk Mr.Ethan"

He was walking while holding my hand however i liked old women was Walking by she stopped and told us,"oh my love birds!you reminded me of my love was such a beautiful time.hope you stay safe."with thay she walked away."see?even an old lady appreciates our relationship"Ethan said.i jerked my hand away from him and said,"there's nothing between us"he came closer to my face and replied,"but there's something in your heart."i Don't why but i blushed and looked away.

"i think you should Remain distance with me you are way too close."i said.

" why?you are scared that you might fall in love with me?"He replied.

I thought.

"Of Course not.i have no interest in you anyway." with that i started walking forward.he came to me and started walking with me.

"You Don't have to lie i see it in your eyes."

"See what?"i looked at him

"Love for me"

"Nice joke"with that i looked away.

"Aha?okay then tell me why do people look away when they lie?"

"What do you mean?

" just answer bruh"

"Not to show their expression?"

"Such as?"

"They look away so the other person doesn't get to know that the person lied as they can Understand by looking at their eyes."

"So why do you look away all the time when i ask you something like that?"

"Like what?"

"Don't u like me?" he asked.i Didn't answer to that as i,my self Don't know the answer.

"I look away cz you are fvcking annoying and your dumb questions are so frustrating "

He laughed at me."what's Funny?"i asked.."Next time Don't hold me tight if you are afraid as iam.annoying."i rolled my eyes at him and said,"ew no way"

When i almost reached my home on way i saw those men from the other day."oh pretty girl you are here again."a man said while coming forward to me.i grabbed Ethan's arm if i was hiding behind him.i was afraid of those men especially when they are drunk.the man noticed Ethan and walked away from us.Nothing else happened.i reached infront of my house then Ethan Spoke,"Ew no way"i looked at him confused.

"you forget so easily."he said.i noticed taht i was holding his arm.i pulled away and said,"i-i didn't do intentionally.i was just afraid okay?What if the man came to and tried to-"i couldn't complete my sentence.he came and hugged me which left me shocked.his scent,his comfort as i would never get anywhere."as long as iam here with you,nothing can hurt you".

After a few sec he pulled away and looked straight to my eyes.his eyes,as if there is a whole world in there.i didn't wanted to look away from his eyes.

"You have my number right?if anything happens all you have to do is call me.i will come no matter what." he said as if he was trying to comfort."Don't worry about me.i will be fine"i replied.he smiled at me and said,"go inside"i noded and went inside before closing the front door,"Goodnight"i said.i locked the door and stood there for a while.i could still hear my heart the Moment he hugged me,my heart beat increased as it explod any time.

"Wait,why tf he hugged me?No wait!why tf you let him hug you??Don't fall for him for the fvck's sake..goddammit."

I hit my head with my hand and walked in to the washroom.i was telling myself "why are you dumb bitch".. I took a bath and wore a comfortable t shirt a black with trouser

 I took a bath and wore a comfortable t shirt a black with trouser

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

After a while,i got a text from first i thought it would be Ethan so i ignored it.but i couldn't sit anymore so i checked was from an unknown number.


Is it that hard?
Or you are trying Hard?

Who are you?

Oh you will know me in no time.
Btw this white top looks so nice in you.wondering how the inner wear looks.

Who tf are you and how dare you say something like that?!

Come on you are way too sexy to imagine

You might've texted the wrong person

No iam talking to the right person

Wtf is your problem?

If i say It's a problem and if Ethan said it would've been Romantic?

There's so much different between you and Ethan saying it
How do you even know what iam wearing

White top with black trouser nice combination

I felt like someone is watching me.i looked around and also outside the window.then i got a text again.

"You Don't have to search everywhere so aggressively."

I kinda felt scared.i closed the windows and locked all the door and windows.i covered every window and sat on the bed.i checked my phone again

"Oh come on i can't see you now open the window beside you atleast "

I tried to calm my self saying It's just a wrong number and all he said was coincidence.i blocked that number and went to bed.i couldn't sleep after a while i droved to my dreamland.

__Unknown Person__

How funny she thinks i can't see her.she looks so beautiful while sleeping.i want to go in and watch her sleeping infront of me.

He thought.he opened his phone and deleted all the contact list."Time to make another Trap"

I want to the fear in her eyes in front of me.

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