Death at Knight

3 1 0

Genre: Mystery

Stats: Completed (12 Parts)

Author: sxmiira 

Blurb:  "He's dead. Dead. Dead."

The world is run by one man who is the President of The United Earth. With policies that seem to make the world a better place for many people, it seems clear why President Knight thinks he's got the presidency in the bag and celebrates with a large dinner at the Debate House. In this relaxing scene intrudes an eerie atmosphere as President Knight's body is discovered dead. *************************Sally, who used to be a scientist, is the leader of the Blue Party, which is the Red Party's opposition. After discovering the alleged mistreatment of poorer people, she creates a rebelling party to stand up to President Knight. However, the police are convinced Sally is behind the assassination of the President. They detain her in custody awaiting for her execution. It becomes Winston and the rest of the Blue Party's mission to prove her innocence before it's too late.But nothing comes easy, and her deputy is to soon discover everyone has an involvement in Knight's killing.But who is the real murderer?A story of lies, propaganda, mystery and justice.

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