Love But It's Always 5cm Away

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Genre: Romance / Teen Fiction

Status: Ongoing

Author: celines_524 

Blurb:  Maira Elsher is your typical high school freshmen.

However, every time she's within 5cm of her crush, Hayden Acker, or when she tries to make physical contact with him, the heart shaped scar on her right cheek burns with pain. The sizzling, stinging feeling on her cheek holds her back from ever being with him. And surprisingly, to him and him only. The scarring feeling gives Maira a blinding headache. Her vision blurs, sounds become muffled, sending her into a spiral of dismay. This phenomenon is off, like someone that purposely made this happen. Whoever it is, they don't want them together... But why? And who could possibly want that?

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