The Sharpness of the Blade

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Genre: Fantasy/Action/Adventure

Status: Ongoing

Author: ThatWriterBoi 

Blurb: See yourself in that mirror? That is you, Seijuro. In a hundred battles you face, you will grow scar. A built body, and most importantly... You will be able to withhold that Sharpness of A Blade. 

 Seijuro Akihama is a young man who's been alone since his father died when he was just 11-years-old. Since then, he's become an entirely different person. Colder, smarter, and quieter. But, in all that he's explored in his life.. It's the sharpness of his blade that keeps him alive

.A world where beastly creatures stalk the dome of a dungeon, a place where fantasy comes true. Elves, Werewolves, half-humans, and normal humans. A place where guilds are held, and warriors, merchants, and travellers seek the power to be the greatest. A place, where they fight until the end, death with their brothers, and honor that of their ancestors. 

 Will you join Seijuro in his life of death, slaying, and friendship? You decide, click here to see the first chapter.

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