Imperfect Hearts

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Genre: New Adult/Romance

Status: Ongoing

Author: wattkerwriter 

Blurb: New to the city, Naomi is both excited and....well, bored. Excited about her new job as a personal assistant and her new life. Bored because there isn't a single person she knows in the city. And unfortunately, that means starting from scratch.

On her way to find the rhythm of this new life, she meets many people. And among them was a stranger, who made her drunk self feel comfortable and safe. A stranger who quickly turned into a friend and slowly turned into something more. But when the tiny feeling of being followed and watched turns into a recurring feeling, she's afraid, even if she's reluctant to admit it. And then, she learns an old lesson in a far less interesting way.Never trust a stranger, indeed... Because sometimes even the books with the prettiest covers might have twisted stories inside them.

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