To Hold A Crown

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Genre: Romance

Status: Ongoing

Author: Brainy_dolphin 

Blurb: Adelaide Valeria, Princess and soon-to-be Queen of the Kingdom of Rhia, was only 11 years old when her kingdom had been catapulted into a 10 year war. A war that ravaged her people and her father. As peace fosters between the Kingdom of Rhia and the rival kingdom of Cadelan , Adelaide is forced into an arranged marriage with Prince Nicholas Beaumont. They were brought together for one purpose: to be a symbol of hope, unity, and prosperity to both of their people.

For these two heirs, this developing alliance is harder than what they anticipated, especially when Adelaide and Nicholas have their own secrets and agendas that they are loyal to. Adelaide and Nicholas find themselves tiptoeing around the boundaries of their marriage, their loyalty to their kingdom, and their feelings for each other. And when secrets untold and stories unfold, change their feelings and fog their heads, they have no choice but to fight for what is left. -"In the darkness, we shall rise to shine the light. In the light, we shall keep the darkness at bay."

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