Chapter Four

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Wren woke up in the familiar plush bed and silk sheets she had grown accustomed to the past two weeks. She sat up and stretched, popping every vertebra in her back. A deep sigh left her lips as she stood up onto her feet and headed for the wardrobe. Today consisted of her last day of training with the other nine tributes from her games. Wren slipped on the black spandex shirt and pants. The tank top had two little silver spots at the armpits. Wren cringed as she glanced in the mirror. She hated anything tight.

Wren made her way down to floor one where she found Clove, Cato, Ivory, and Rue waiting on the couple. Wren went to say something as Marvel appeared in his training outfit ready to go. The boy from One smiled at his friends as he waited for his girl. Minutes later Glimmer's shriek echoed throughout the whole building.

"Glim?" Marvel asked. "What's wrong?"

The blonde came into the living room and kitchen area in a flash. Her hair was sticking up in every direction possible and the frown on her face was hard to miss.

"Woah, Glim, did you get electrocuted or something?" Marvel asked with a slight chuckle. The blonde, however, did not think it was funny.

"No," she snapped. "The hairbrush broke."

Marvel's eyes went wide and Rue giggled.

"So that's your bedhead?" Rue asked through giggles. Glimmer crossed her arms in a huff and everyone knew that it was true. The green-eyed girl stormed away leaving a group of laughing teenagers.


Cato Hadley's sword went through the chest of the dummy for the third time that morning. His blue eyes wandered over to Wren. She walked into the simulation with her whips. Cato decided to walk over to watch her and he wasn't the only one. The eight other tributes gathered around the glass as well. Wren's fingers skimmed over the levels before pressing the last one.

The lights in the glass box dimmed around her. The whips by her side unraveled with the click of a button. Orange lights moved together to create a person running at her with a dagger. Wren's whip was quick to wrap around its neck and with a harsh tug with simulated person turned into orange blocks.

Two more orange people sprinted for the girl and her whips but they were no match for her.

That's how the simulation carried on for a few minutes. Wren's whips flew in every direction creating small piles of orange blocks. Cato's smirk found its way onto his face as he watched Wren fight in the simulator. Someone nudged his side; he looked to his left. Thresh had gotten his attention.

"She's pretty good with those whips, man." Thresh's voice was much deeper than Cato's. The blond boy nodded.

"She is."

Thresh glanced back at the brunette in the glass box. Her hazel eyes were looking at every person surrounding her.

"Don't let that one go, Two. She's a good one, you hear me?" Thresh said before he made his way to the swords.

"I won't," Cato said with a smile as Wren walked out of the simulator. Marvel wrapped an arm around her shoulders and ruffled her hair.

"You've been holding out on us. I didn't know you could use your whips like that!" Marvel said. Glimmer rolled her eyes.

"Marv, we were fighting to the death the last time she had her whips. When would she have gotten the time to tell us?" Marvel shrugged before removing his arm from Wren's shoulders before tacking Glimmer into a hug.

"Come on Glim," he said. "Let's go work on your archery skills; we wouldn't want another incident like almost hitting Wren now would we?" the boy finished by planting a kiss on her cheek and dragging her to the archery station.

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