Chapter Six

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Something wet woke him up.

"Ugh, ew," Cato said with a rasp.

The wet source kept dripping on him and his eyes darted as far down as they could go. Wren's cheek was pressed against his bicep and drool was dripping out of her mouth. Cato bit his lip to prevent himself from laughing.

"Wren," he whispered. The girl didn't budge.

"Wren," Cato said a bit louder while he lightly shook his arm. Wren only scrunched her nose slightly before letting out a soft snore.

"Oh, princess," Cato said at full volume. Wren sprang up forgetting where she was. The girl climbed on top of Cato and balled her hand into a fist ready to strike.

"Woah, Woah, Woah there, princess. It's just me." Wren's wide widened.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled. Cato chuckled.

"Wren, dollface, as much as I like this position," he said with a smirk, "we have training in an hour."

The hazel-eyed girl's face went red as she climbed down. "I-I didn't realize, Cato-"

"What's got your tongue all tied up?" Cato teased as he stood up.

Wren pulled her hair back into a braid. "Shut the fuck up."

Cato laughed and pulled her into a hug from behind. Wren froze when Cato's lips were pressed against the base of her neck. "What-What are you doing?" she stuttered out.

"I'm giving you a kiss," Cato mumbled against her neck.

"Cato I've never been with anyone before so I'm not-"

Cato cut her off with a laugh. The boy spun her around. "I'm not going to sleep with you, Wren. At least not until you're ready. Right now, I just want to enjoy holding you and kissing you every chance I get."

Wren pulled the blond boy in for a deep kiss. Cato smiled into it.

A knock at the door caused the pair to pull away.

"Cato! Training starts in half an hour!"

Cato's blue eyes met Wren's hazel ones.

"Looks like we got training," Wren smirked, "but we can spare five minutes."

She pulled him in for a kiss again. After a few moments, she pulled away breathlessly.

"Dollface, what are we?" Cato whispered as he moved a strand of Wren's hair behind her ear. She melted at the nickname- the way it rolled off his tongue.

"What do you want to be?" His eyes took in her dilated pupils and tiny freckles across her nose. He grabbed her hand and squeezed it three times.

"I want to be yours."


The pair arrived in the training room as an official couple, only they hadn't told anyone. They kept the news to themselves, basking in the excitement. However, when the couple walked into the training room they parted ways. Wren made her way over to the archery station with Glimmer as Cato met up with Marvel.

The red-head from Five was quick to show off her skills with the matching test. With her photographic memory, there was no way she could forget the plants she studied. A small body beside her made her jump. Clove Kentwell was watching the girl from Five.

"How do you remember them all?" Clove asked finally speaking up. The taller girl answered when she finished the pairing.

"Hello, trefoil," Finch mumbled before walking over to the knife-throwing station.

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