Chapter Nine

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"Wren, it's time to practice for your interview!" Serena said as she barged into the tribute's room.

"Ugh," Wren said into her pillow. "What time is it?"

Serena wrapped her hands around the brunette's ankles and pulled her from the bed. Wren landed on the floor with a thud. "Ow, Ser. That fucking hurt-"

"Language," Serena snapped. Wren sat up on her elbows. "And to answer your previous question," she looked at her watch, "eleven-thirty."

 Wren groaned as Serena ushered her to the shower. "Fine, I'll practice for the interview with you-"

"You were already going to-" Wren interrupted her with a shrug.

"But no heels," Wren stated. Serena shook her head.

"You have to practice educate."

"Screw educate," Wren snapped. Serena glared at the brunette.

"Just get in the shower."

The brunette from Ten winced as the hot water hit her sore shoulder. She delicately brushed her fingers over the bite mark. The mark was white against her tanned skin. She glanced down at her stomach; a small white dot sat in replacement of Katniss' arrow. A small sigh left her lips as she touched the scar. That's all it was now, a scar.

Wren pressed the vanilla-scented shampoo button and felt the soap land on her head. Running her finger through her hair she scrubbed her scalp. The girl from Ten bit her lip in fear of the Quarter Quell. What could Plutarch have put in the arena?

The water stopped when she was done washing her hair. The clock in the bathroom read twelve o'clock. Wren was dried with a press of a button as she put on her uniform for her individual scoring.

As she opened the door and headed for the kitchen saw she Roman sitting quietly at the table holding a turkey sandwich.

"Serena's gonna make you wear the heels again, isn't she?" Roman said with a smirk. Wren shot him a nasty glare.

"Shut the fuck up-"

"Language!" Serena hollered as Ariana and Oliver followed her from the room they must have practiced their strategy for interviews. Wren bit her tongue and huffed as she grabbed a sandwich.

"Roman, you're up."

His brown eyes glanced at Wren, "I don't see why you don't like heels. They make your legs look great." Wren only gave him a venomous look as he smirked once more before following Serena out.

"Does he ever stop?" Oliver asked as he took a seat beside Wren. The girl shook her head. Ariana grabbed one of the remaining sandwiches.

"So why are we practicing today?" Wren asked the two before her. Ariana swallowed the bite she had taken. "Serena wants us the have a break to relax before the interviews, so she's having us go over educate and strategy today."

"What's your approach?"

"Ser wants me to be confident and bold-"

"And she told me to be charming, but I think we all know I already am," Oliver cut into the conversation. Wren chuckled as Ariana rolled her eyes.

"Please, you're as charming as an avox." Ariana joked. Oliver jokingly dropped his jaw. "Take it back."

Ariana shook her head like a child as she grinned. Wren's eyes darted back and forth between the two as she continued to slowly eat her sandwich.

"Nope," Ariana teased. Oliver smirked as he reached out and tickled the woman's side. A laugh rang through the room as Wren smiled at the pair. She was happy that they were able to find some sort of love in the situation they were in.

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