Chapter Thirteen

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Wren Eldrid threw up into the toilet while Marvel Sanford held her hair back. Glimmer Belcourt sat on the countertop and grimaced every time the brunette heaved. Marvel rubbed her back lightly as she leaned back. The brunette's eyes were bloodshot from crying for hours. Wren sniffled as she accepted the tissue from the blonde girl.

"I-I just don't get i-it," Wren said through more tears. "I tried to tell him."

Glimmer frowned as Wren went to throw up again.

"The more you weigh on it the more you'll throw up from sadness. Want to go to the roof with me?" she offered to help clear the tanner girl's mind. Wren shrugged and wiped her mouth. 

"Thanks, Glim, but I think I'm just going to go to bed soon."

Marvel glanced down at his knuckles. Bits of Roman's blood were across the bumps of his hand. Wren's eyes darted to the blood.

"Is that blood?" she asked after she washed her hands. The girl from Ten picked up a toothbrush and put it in her mouth.

"Um, yeah?" Marvel said only it came out in a question. Glimmer's brows furrowed together.

"Did you hit a wall?"


"Did you hit a person?"


The blonde stared at her boyfriend which only caused him to crumbled under pressure.

"Okay, fine. Cato was out in the hallway with Roman. Roman was getting his ass beat so I pulled Cato off of him and punched them both in the face."

Glimmer gasped. "You hit Cato? I mean by all means good for you baby he broke Wren's heart, but why Roman?"

"He's the reason Wren and Cato broke up."

Wren looked down at her feet to try to prevent herself from crying again. She knew she needed to block it out for tomorrow, but she couldn't help but feel so small.

"I think I'm going to call it a night guys," Wren said as she tried to usher the couple from her room.

"Goodnight, Wren," Glimmer said before pulling her friend into a tight hug. Marvel copied his girlfriend's actions and closed the door behind them. Wren sighed as she locked the door and plopped herself on her bed.

The girl's hazel eyes looked over to the large window on her right. The stars were dimmer against the pitch-black sky. For a second Wren had to do a double-take. The stars seemed to form Cato Hadley's face. The girl reached her hand towards the window but recoiled. With a harsh blink, Wren refocused her eyes on the stars and they didn't form any person anymore, they simply remained stars.


Cato Hadley made his way to the roof that night in hopes of seeing the girl from District Ten. The boy nervously shifted his weight from foot to foot as the elevator carried him up floor by floor. A sigh left his chap lips and his blue eyes watched as the gears stopped turning. The glass doors flew open and revealed the cold square of the top of the tribute center. A female's figure caught his eye and the boy's hopes skyrocketed. A small smile spread across his lips as he approached the woman. The boy's smile turned into a disappointed frown when he realized the woman was not the one he wanted.

"Cato," the brunette said with a nod to acknowledge his presence.

"Twelve," he replied.

"Katniss," she said. "I have a name you know."

"I know," Cato mumbled. "I just don't care-"

"Let me guess. You thought I was Ten, huh? Well, you're not exactly the person I wanted to see up here either."

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