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President Snow sat in his office as he watched the scene unfold on the television. His shouts of anger and protests bounced off of the walls around him. Peacekeepers entered the room and with the raise of his hand, they stopped. The President began flicking through the different cameras of each of the Twelve Districts. Fury spread throughout his body as he saw symbols of the Mockingjay painted everywhere. Riots began causing havoc in his country. He hated that his power was slipping from his grasp.

"Find me Peeta Mellark!" he snapped.

The peacekeepers were quick to move down to the jail cells that held Annie Cresta, Johanna Mason, and Peeta Mellark. Their hands wrapped around the boy's arms as they dragged him up to Snow's office.

The peacekeepers shoved the boy into the chair across from their leader. Peeta winced as he tried to sit still. His bruises from the Games hadn't fully healed with his new ones from being held captive in the Capital. President Snow interlaced his fingers and leaned forward to make eye contact with the boy. 

"Mr. Mellark, I am only going to ask you this once, where is Katniss Everdeen?" the President's voice was as cold as ice.

"I don't know," Peeta said weakly.

"Then we will get it out of you one way or another. Take him away."

The men in white dragged Peeta back down to the cell that held him and President Snow slammed his fist onto the desk. He was livid that she had initiated the spark. The spark to the rebellion. His finger pressed rewind on the final scene of the Quarter Quell. His blue eyes watched as Wren Eldrid confessed to being bribed to assassinate the Mockingjay. The girl from District Ten had betrayed him. 

"Wren Eldrid and Katniss Everdeen," he said to himself as he glanced at the chessboard that sat beside his television. His slender finger carefully moved the glass pawn one space forward. He glared at the white king that lay on his side of the board. "Checkmate."


A/N: Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed book two! Keep an eye out for book three! I have no clue when it will be done because I have to start it first, but I'm glad you've been on this journey with me. Thanks for sticking around!! :)

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