Chapter 15

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"So,what do you want to order?"Mahito asked with his sweet smile as I smiled back and looked at the menu.

'Is it just me? Or my instincts are right?'

Currently,Mahito and I are at some kind of fancy restaurant this weekend and I kinda have my instinct that he's taking things fast between us when we just started dating few weeks ago.Every weekend or even after my classes at the University he would fetch me for a date and he would kinda want me by force like he's not calm at all and he would usually looked around before we head anywhere he would take me for our date.

"Mahito.."I called out as he was already looking at me as I let out a sight and hold his hand on the table.

"Yes (Y/n)? Do you need something else or are you ready for your--"I cut him off.

"I can sense that there's something bothering you,can you tell me? I'm also worried since you don't seem calm or even comfortable with our date this couple of days."I said worried and confused at the same time.

"Oh no,no! Don't worry about it (Y/n)--Everything's fine and under control,so what are your orders?"He said with a force smile and changed topic as I just shrugged it off.


While we were enjoying our foods that we ordered Mahito's behavior changed.Just now he seem uncomfortable and not calm like he's worried as if someone would attack us but now that our orders came he went back into his comfortable and goofy mode like whatever that source make him comfortable just gone in instant.

"Let's see each other next time!"Mahito waved off as I waved back and he drove off.

'Just what is this thought I'm having right now?'

"I thought you would forget about the deal."Hearing that voice means destruction to me as I turned around and saw Gojo with his usual smile.

"I didn't and I even lied to Mahito that I would be seeing a friend than telling him directly that it was you,I'll be seeing."I said letting out a sight as he just smirk at me and immediately dragged me inside his car.

'We're just buying this grocery nothing more,so please just calm down (Y/n)..'

Gojo was wearing something casual for today.A white shirt that has 'mine' named on top of the shirt with a black jacket and chocolate pants pair with black sneakers and not to forget the glasses he would usually wear around with him,while I was wearing a (f/c) dress and a pair of 3 inch black heels since I had a date with Mahito earlier.

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