Chapter 27

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I am that childish jerk's friend and even I hate him.I respected him being the top student back in our Unveristy and I respect (Y/n) after what she did breaking up with him since he was a jerk,but I was wrong it was all set as planned from Mahito's hands all along and now he won't let me in into (Y/n)'s apartment.


"If you would just open the door I might help you out Gojo,you know I can tract people right away if you let me help."I said still knocking on the door and I still didn't get any response from him inside.

(Y/n) is missing—Yes,she is after the day where they both got called on by the University's Principal,he founds out about their relationship and it was already past things got go wrong and I thought it would be okay after Mr.Han is going back (Y/n)'s professor but it didn't go out's been 4 days since Gojo last have seen her around the University's gate when he just stated that she was being pulled by someone he clearly knows—Mahito,that's for sure.

Gojo never went to his own apartment rather he stays all day and night up inside on (Y/n)'s apartment instead and I don't know if he's still eating or breathing inside there since Ms.Blossom the owner of the Amiko building apartment just contacted me earlier to check up on Gojo's condition.


"If you let me help you out together with the police to investigate this we might found her— already know whom I meant."I said still knocking on the door but tough luck he still won't response or open the door.

'Man,this one is really tough he's really stubborn when it comes to her..'

"I'll be back,okay? Hopefully you would open this door up I'm a visitor you know."I said clicking my tongue from annoyance as I walk away heading somewhere.


I bought something nice to eat and drink for Gojo from a nearby restaurant and also head to the nearest convenience store around the Amiko building apartment for some energy drink to freshen up his mind and body about this situation—(Y/n) is missing for 4 days.


"Here are some foods and drink that I bought for you from those places.Open this up!"I shout but it didn't help either as I let out a heavy sight.

'What a big head..think once for your health than (Y/n)..I'm sure that she would rather make you eat and drink than worrying about her,she's a strong woman hopefully she can manage her surroundings wherever she is now.'

I decided to put the foods and drink down in front of the door's format and knock for the last time before leaving him all alone once again in there.

"I'm leaving those here outside the door's format I'll be leaving since you won't still talk to me just give me a text when you feeling wanted too.."I said and with that I walked away from the Amiko building apartment and head back to my work before meeting up with Utahime later.



Darkness,Emptiness and worry are the things that I am feeling right now after (Y/n) got missing for 4 days already.Itadori along with Megumi and Nobara are worried sick for her safety wherever she was especially me..Nanami was outside earlier but I decided not to open the door up and make myself all alone for now thinking for a plan to made out to find and escape with (Y/n).

"So,let's see..he usually go to a small bar to drink by tomorrow just around his working place before going back to his home,huh.."I mumbled while looking at the the papers.

After (Y/n) got missing for 24 hours few days ago I already make my move for spying and checking Mahito's schedule and other things but nothing really change except for the small details that every night he goes to a convience store to buy something—it looks like they're medicines,but he's not really going inside the store instead he goes to the back meeting someone else.

"Like what've (Y/n) said he's sick..he might have complications in his head he's really crazy over my girlfriend,huh.."

For the last 3 days I also have been searching such things around (Y/n)'s apartment and found out they were small hidden cameras in her living room,kitchen and bedroom which probably set up by Mahito.

"He's f*cking sick.."


I let out a groan and head to the door to get the foods and drink that Nanami left behind for me to eat and I need them since I haven't eat lunch.

"Nanami really does love me~let's take and eat them!"I crack a small smile by Nanami's care and kindness to me then I was about to pick them up a hand stopped me from taking them away and I looked up to see Nanami.

"Oh? I thought you're going back to work."I said as he let out a sight and lose his grip into my hand before speaking.

"I bought those food not for free now tell me the details—everything you know about the day (Y/n) went missing."he said as I pout and decided to answer him.

'Nanami will be a good asset to help me on this one.'

"I guess,I'll be right straight to my plan because you already know the prime suspect,correct?"I ask as he nod his head as a reply.

"Now,tell me—"I cut him off.




"We're gonna do a rescue operation for (Y/n)!"

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