3 | Nothing Logical

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The best part about posting chapters midday is playing the game of who is going to find the new chapter first? haha.

This is a David and Sarah chapter. :)

Enjoy! :)


The less David has to think about school for the next couple months, the better. 

To say he's nervous for starting a new school is a little bit of an understatement.

It's bad enough that all his high school credits are going to be sloppily transferred and he's going to have to follow new expectations. Transferring schools smack dab in the middle of high school is never easy.

But he'll know absolutely no one.

Well. He'll have Sarah with him, but that's different. And what if they have no classes together? While David is trying to take all the AP's possible, Sarah is probably only going to take one, or none at all. Which may actually be the smarter thing to do.

He has no clue what any of the kids are like in this new school. Are they all going to be athletic? Or insanely smart? Or too connected within their friend groups to let anyone new in?

He doesn't know, and he doesn't want to find out.

Not that he has a choice.

He doesn't necessarily want to go back to his old school; he didn't really fit in there. It's just that it would have been so much easier to just stick to one school for four years.

What if I'm inadvertently being sent off to a homophobic school? He shudders at the thought. But...if it is homophobic...then he couldn't explain to his parents why he would want to leave without explaining that he's...

That he's...

He purses his lips. If he can't even say it in his mind what hope does he have telling people in the real world?

This is all going to end very, very badly. David just knows it.

Sarah comes into his room.

"I know that look."

She sits down on his bed next to him.

"It's a mix between disassociating and sulking."

He continues to say nothing, but he has to admit that she kinda summed it up perfectly.

"Why don't we stop thinking about school?" she suggests. 

"We're going to have to at some point," he grumbles.

"Yes, but we shouldn't think about doomsday too much before it starts."

He smiles. She knows that he likes it when they refer to the first day of school as doomsday.

"You know, I actually came in here to ask you something," she mentions. "I was thinking about heading down to new local bookstore that just opened up. Wanna come?"

His smile grows. "Of course."

Both of them absolutely love reading. They may have different interests, but books are their common ground. Some times their book tastes differ, however; which is the cause of many mini arguments over who reads better books.

As they walk in, they are instantly at home. Libraries and book stores alike have that affect.

There's just something about the atmosphere. About the people who go here, who work here.

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