8 | And It Just Works

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This is pretty much going to be 1000 (actually 2000) (actually 2987) words worth of showing that time is passing.

Enjoy! :)


Not only is Mr. Denton a great teacher and a very empathetic man, he also lets their group of friends have lunch in his classroom when the weather gets too nasty to eat outside.

Today is especially stormy. Today will be first of many spent eating lunch in Mr. Denton's classroom.

By now, David fits in to the group dynamic. All of Jack's friends were pretty open to him joining them. At first, they were kind of surprised at how fast Jack found a new kid, but they all like him too now.

And now with only the people in the classroom who could hear anything they say, now they can rant about pretty much anything.

Sleep, homework, expectations, and gay rights are often talked about.

And since they can do what they want, they're all sitting on top of the desks.

Because gays can't sit in chairs correctly.

"I mean, the school wants us to get good sleep, complete all the homework, and do sports," Tony says. "I mean, it's ridiculous. I'm sorry, but I can't do all three."

"Definitely," Sean agrees. "Not to mention all the tests are the same days."

"Exactly!" Louis and Nick exclaim together. Then they grin at each other and brush noses.

They are so cute together.

"Am I allowed to say I have a lot of homework?" Charlie asks, just a little timidly. "I know I haven't been in high school that long, and it gets so much worse in later grades..."

"Of course you can say you have a lot of homework!" Jack, Sean, Tony, Louis, and Nick exclaim at once.

"Ninth grade was hard," Tony gives him. He looks at Sean. "That's why you need to find the people who will help you through it all." Sean smiles back at him.

David watches all this go on, still a little bit on the outside. He knows they accept him as part of their group. But he can see they all have chemistry, and that they've known each other forever. They have history that he can't claim to know.

Jack notices that David's holding back. He motions to the desk next to him. "Come sit closer."

David feels his face heat up a little. But he wouldn't turn down Jack. "Okay."

"What was it like at your old school, David?" Tony asks curiously. "Was it anything like this?"

"Expectations that are very unrealistic and only the golden few will ever meet them? Definitely," David answers.

That gets a couple snickers.

"Isn't that just all schools?" Louis jokes.

"It shouldn't be that way, though," Nick adds. "Things are supposed to be getting better with the school system. Not worse."

"True that," Sean agrees. "But, literally. We're talking about school."

"The school system has done literally nothing good for anyone," Tony declares. "Especially for those who aren't the 'golden few' like David said."

"They overestimate our mental capacities while they treat us like children," Jack says. "If anyone has double standards, it's the teachers."

"All the teachers?" Mr. Denton finally contributes to the conversation.

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