13 | New Year's Day

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Ooooooh Javiddddd yayyyyyyyy

And Newsbians! :)

And a little spicy plot. I think?

I took out the spice.

Enjoy! :)


David, Jack, Sarah, and Kathryn planned a double date for today. They'll know when to give each other space, and when to be together as a full group.

Jack and Kathryn find it kind of hilarious that now they're both in same gender relationships after dating each other in ninth grade and their current partners are twins. They really appreciate the humor of the situation.

As they walk through the city, Jack replays yesterday in his head. All of them doing research on their past lives. With so much information but so much that they still don't know.

As Jack looks at David now, he thinks about what he asked of his friends last night.

"Do you think I could at least mention the whole past lives things to David?" Jack asked them.

They all exchanged glances, unsure. Should he?

"What will David think of it?" Tony asked. "He doesn't seem like the kind of person to believe in all that stuff."

"There is that," Sean agreed.

"Any reason in particular why you would want to tell him?" Nick asked.

Oh, just how should Jack explain his reasoning?

"Tony, remember how there was that whole thing about past lives and soulmates?" Jack asked him.


"And how soulmates could be attracted to each other over and over again because they were together in a past life?"


He paused. "I think David might be my soulmate throughout time."

"Jack, I know we gave you a lot of trouble about having feelings for David, but-" Tony began.

Jack shook his head. "No. I know this is more than just feelings. It's like we did know each other. Like we were meant to be together. I know I haven't known him that long. But...there are just some things that you know."

Louis and Nick exchanged glances, as did Tony and Sean. They all know exactly what he's talking about; they all felt the same thing about each other.

And so everyone agreed.

If the timing is right, and it seems like a good idea, Jack can tell David all about what they've learned about past lives.

This is still something that Jack wants to do.

He just ... hasn't found the right way to do it yet.

Because Wanna hold hands? Like we maybe did in our past life? is *totally* a normal thing to say.

Or maybe, Hey, I just met you a few months ago, and please don't think I'm crazy, but I think we're soulmates because we were together in another life.

And then there's the super blunt Do you believe in past lives? Because I think we had a past life. Together. We were newsies in 1899, striking against a newspaper company called The World because they changed the price of papers from 50 cents per hundred papers to 60 cents per hundred papers. And we didn't like that. We won, though. You do believe in reincarnation, right?

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