31 | The Final Plan

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Ooh! That sounds interesting! 

So. That last back chapter ... Yeah.

I don't know I have nothing else to say for it haha.

Character arcs are happening in this chapter-

So you know how they haven't actually contructed a plan yet?

Guess what's about to change. :)

Enjoy! :)


During Memorial Day weekend, they're all at Jack's house, ready to seriously talk about scheduling appointments for past life regression. 

There is still so, so much that they don't know. That's going to change. They'll do all the research they can, make sure everyone is truly ready for it, and ready for what they might find, and talk about all the logistics of it.

"Oh this sounds good," Tony says randomly, looking at an article on his phone. "Is past life regression therapy ethical? If we want to be rational, that is." 

'Although it is not supported by psychiatric associations, few medical associations have actually condemned it as unethical.'

Well that's as good a start as any.

But then the author of the article says they'll be writing from the side of the argument that says it's unethcial, to which Tony immediately verbally reacts, "ah heck no I am not reading that then," and exits out of the tab. "Never mind." It was kinda long with tiny words anyway.

It probably is good information ... but is it what Tony wants to hear? Nope. So does he lose all interest in it? Yep.

Meanwhile, Sean googled past life regression therapy near me and is looking through Google Maps, trying to find a spot that has a name that he likes, and looking at the reviews before. Normally, he doesn't necessarily care for reviews, but this is a more delicate matter, so 4 or 5 stars is probably a more prominent criteria in this case.

NewEarthNYC | Negative Emotions Removal QHHT Past Life, depression, anxiety, trauma, phobia & Pre Birth Regression Hypnosis.

5 star rating.

This is promising.

And it's in Brooklyn.

Sean likes it a lot more already.

He reads the reviews, all five stars, all showering with compliments. And everyone talks about their great experience.

Yeah, he thinks he's found something good.

"I think I found something," Sean says out loud. He clicks on the website and sends them the link. "I like the looks of this place."

They all click on the link he sent them, and they see why he likes it.

They look at all the information they can. And there's a lot. They feel good just looking at it all. It feels promising.

David goes straight to the FAQ's page.

"Guys," he says, "I think it's good to know that these past life regression sessions are 1.5 to 2 hours long, and they cost per session is $300."

That gets them all to stop.

If all of them go, and all of them pay...

That's a lot of money, and a lot of hours.

No one wants to do that math right now.

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