Chapter 6

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Lose Control - Chapter 6

  I woke up the next morning and everything that happened at the club, came rushing back to me.

  Also, my dreams from last night came rushing back to me as well. A blush ran onto my flushed cheeks, when I remember what happened in my dream after Talon and I supposedly kissed. Lets just say that it went way beyond a kiss.

  After thoughts of what happened in my dreams, I looked at the clock on my nightstand and decided that it would be a good time to finally get out of bed. So I got up and made my bed., then went to take a shower.

  After a quick fifteen minute shower, I got dressed for the day in some jean shorts and a white ruffled tank-top. I blow dried my hair, after I got dressed, and straightened my hair also once I was done. Which took about twenty minutes to do. I put my make up on next. Some light eyeliner, mascara, and lip gloss. Then I was done, after I slipped into my flip-flops and grabbed my iPhone, I headed down stairs.

  By the time I hit the bottom step, I could smell the delicious smell of bacon and waffles and I knew that my mother was here and not work.

  I walked into the kitchen and saw I was correct, mom was in front of the stove working away on our breakfast for the morning. She didn't hear me come in, so I sneaked up behind her and hugged her tiny waist and kissed her cheek. She jumped like two-foot off the ground and turned around to glare at me, with one of her hands holding her chest.

  "Jessica! I told you not to sneak up on me anymore! Do you want to give me a freaking heart attack at my age?" She hissed out with the glare still on her face, as she pointed the spatula at me that she was using for preparing breakfast.

  "I don't recall anything like that being said before if I recall," I said innocently, with a smirk on my face as I chuckled a little bit.

  "Uh huh, sure," She said, still glaring the hell out of me.

  If only looks could kill, I would definitely be dead by my momma bear then.

  "I'm being completely serious right now. You know mom, I have slept since you did tell me whatever you suggest you think you told me, which I have no clue as to what it is mother dear," I said to her, as I turned my back to her to open the refrigerator for some orange juice.

  I heard her sigh loudly in defeat, making me grin and chuckle lightly.

  "Whatever, just don't let it happen again," She grumbled as she turned back around to check on the food.

  "Yeah yeah, I'll try," I said back as I closed the refrigerator, heading towards the cabinet where the glasses are in.

  "You better," Mom finished saying just as Dad, Danny, and Talon came down the stairs and straight for the dinning room.

  Rolling my eyes, as I was pouring me some orange juice, I thought about how helpful boys can be.

  "Morning, daddy!" I yelled at him, still in the kitchen.

  "Good morning, baby doll!" I heard dad yell back at me, which put a smile on my face.

  "Jessica, baby, could you help me serve breakfast?" Mom questioned.

  "Yeah, of course," I said as I sat down my glass of orange juice down on the counter, before helping mom take breakfast to the dinning room.

  The table was already set, so mom must have sat it before I came down this morning.

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