Chapter 10

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I just decided not to even reply back to him, until what he said next, "What the fuck?"

I could tell from his voice that he was pissed, but I didn't have a clue as to why. I looked up to see Danny frozen in his spot shaking with anger, I followed the direction he was staring in and couldn't believe my eyes. I knew now why Danny was so freaking pissed!

There in the middle of the dance floors was Jessica and that guy who asked her to dance, kissing! Kissing! I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Just this morning it was her and I doing that, now.. now she's doing that with some other guy!

I know I made her mad about what I said to her earlier, but I didn't think she would move on so fast!

"No way in fucking hell," I heard Danny whisper as he marched right up to them.

I watched as Danny pulled the guy back that was sucking faces with my Jessica and punch him square in the nose. I would have laughed at the sight, but I was too pissed and even crack a grin.

I could hear Jessica yelling at Danny for punching that guy in the nose, as he pulled her to her Jeep and pushed her softly into the back of it.

"Hey, Talon! Can you grab Jessica's things?" I heard Danny yell at me. All I could do was nod, still speechless about what had happened.

I went to the girls spot on the beach and grabbed the rest of Jessica's things, then made my way back to the Jeep and into the passenger seat of the Jeep.

I could tell that tonight was going to be a long and stressful night.


Lose Control - Chapter 10

Jessica's POV:

 I could not believe the scene that happened in front of me! What the freak was Danny thinking? Oh, yeah! That's right he wasn't! That's why I'm currently being pushed into the back of my Jeep, and the door slammed in my face.

Danny quickly ran to the driver side, as he yelled something to Talon, I suppose.

He jumped into the front seat and just turned and glared at me. I could see the fire in his eyes and feel the anger radiating off of him.

'Shit,' I thought. He's really pissed, which means I will most likely be getting a lectures. I hate his lectures, he always points out my innocence's and treats me like I don't know right from wrong. Typical protective brother, I guess.

 When Talon came back, he jumped into the passenger seat and handed me my towel and shirt that I left on the beach. Good things I decided to put my pants back on before Jordan and I danced, my brother would have freaked out even more and because my cell phone and keys are in my pocket. And I did not want to lose them.

"Jessica, let me have the keys," Danny stated in a hard voice, I could tell he was trying to hold his anger in but it wasn't helping to good.

I didn't have the nerve to talk to him right now because either I'd piss him off even more with a snarky remark or end up crying from something he says. I have to admit, I am like really sensitive. So yell at me, laugh at me, or just generally hurt me in any way, I'll end up crying like a big baby. Attractive right?

Lose Control | Book 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora