Chapter 4: True Colors

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WARNING: Before you read any further please keep in mind that the up-coming chapters will contain heavy themes such as abuse and violence.

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☾︎ Maeve ☽︎

I open my eyes gently, the daylight beaming through the thin curtains. I lay down for a short time before getting out of my comforting bed. I stroll towards the bathroom, picking up my toothbrush and brushing my teeth.

Next I leave the bathroom and approach my wardrobe looking for a comfy outfit I can train in. My eyes land on a purple sport bra and shorts. I didn't even know I had those. I change into the clothes and do my hair in a bun.

Once I was done I eventually make my way downstairs and I see that my brothers are already up. I cook breakfast for myself consuming it speedily.

"Maeve, we are in the backyard. Are you coming?" Cayden enquires. I nod and make my way to the backyard. When we arrive I notice Griffin, Aaron and... Silas?

I halt turning towards Cayden giving him a glare, "Why is he here." He shrugs, "Don't ask me." I shake my head and keep walking until I reach the other three boys.

"Finally you're here." Griffin gives me a fake smile while I glare at him, "Not to be curious or anything," I smile, "But why is he here?" I scowl again.

Aaron sighs, "Silas is more trained than us, we thought that maybe he could teach us more skills. That's why he's here." He explains. "Nice to see you too." Silas remarks sarcastically.

I completely ignore him and keep talking, "Shall we start then?" They nod and we begin with the training, and of course my brothers go and train by themselves leaving me with Mr asshole.

He unexpectedly snaps his fingers infront of my face, "Rule 1, never take your eyes off the target."

"With other words you want my attention?" I joke, he shakes his head in disappointment. "Rule 2, don't talk too much." Was this personal? It felt personal.

"Rule 3." I start to become puzzled when he stops talking, but not even a second later he charges at me and kicks my legs, knocking me to the ground. As my back strikes the ground, I hiss. "Be focused,"

"Was that... necessary?" I manage to ask, for the first time I hear him chuckle - is he laughing at me?!

He signals for me to get up but I don't listen to him, "You weren't paying attention, it was your own fault." He reaches his hand for me to take but I ignore it and stand up myself. He clears his throat looking away from me, "Back to the training."

"Of course... asshole." I mutter the last part under my breath, "Maeve, I heard that." I was captivated by the way he spoke my name. Most likely, it was due to his high level of intimidation.

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