Chapter 27: Soaked

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Y'all better spam the comments for me because this is a long-ass chapter and it has smut xoxo 😩😜

Enjoy reading horny fuckers,

Enjoy reading horny fuckers,

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☾︎ Maeve ☽︎

Today is the day of the ceremony, or how I like to call it a party. Even though I don't have a good history with parties.

You know what I mean.

I've been training with Silas this whole week, we've also transferred some of my stuff to his house, not all though.

My mom was shocked after hearing that I would be moving out but she's supporting it and Isabella - she calls me her nuora, meaning daughter-in-law in Italian.

I'm getting better at Italian, I've been visiting Isabella in my free time. I haven't seen Kayla that much, she's probably busy with Cayden.

I do see Leah quite a lot, always actually. Mason always visits Silas and then Leah just kinda... shows up. I do like her presence, we always go on late-night car drives.

And Silas... I'm pissed at him, he's been teasing me all week long. Every minute of the day. Even when we're training.

One minute he's like you're wet, aren't you? And then he suddenly asks me what I will be wearing at the ceremony with a smirk on his face.

"What are you thinking of," Rowan's voice interrupts me as he bounces the basketball my way. I catch it, holding it in my hands, "Nothing." I answer and throw the basketball in the air, landing it in the hoop.

Rowan isn't that bad actually. Well he is an asshole, he always has something snarky to say and he's terrible at basketball but yeah, he's not that bad.

The other boys aren't too, except for Nico. That asshole always causes problems, but he's fun though.

I have noticed a lot about them since I moved in with Silas, perhaps it's because they are always over at his house.

But I don't mind.

Rowan claps his hands together, "Dreamer, focus on the real world, not your empty brain," I glare at him and scoff.

"If my brain is empty then I don't know what's in yours," I remark, walking to the basketball laying on the ground. I pick it up and hear Rowan speak.

"I'm smart, but it wouldn't be a problem if I wasn't. Because I'm hot as fuck," His hand goes through his blonde hair.

He has a huge ego.

Rowan sighs, "Anyways, want to get some food?" I look at him and nod. I hand him the basketball as we head back inside.

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