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" It's drop day

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" It's drop day." Teyana said, as she walked into Lannah's room.

" And my tryouts" Lannah added.

" Yes it is. Are you excited?" Teyana wondered.

" Yep, and Teedy B FaceTimed me and gave me a pep talk. She told me that she knows I'm gonna make the team." Lannah smiled.

" You are an amazing dancer and plus you get it from your mammy" Teyana said, making Lannah laugh. " You wearing this to your tryouts?" she wondered.

" I'm wearing this shirt but I can't find my black shorts." Lannah answered.

" Their right here silly girl." Teyana said, picking up Lannah's black shorts from the floor.

" No not those ones, my Matrix Espo ones." Lannah responded.

" Oh there in you and your sisters closet room." Teyana said.

" Okay, thank you mommy." Lannah smiled, before running out of the room.

Teyana packed Lannah's bag before going to check on Raia and Mia.

" Good morning mommy." Mia smiled, as Teyana walked into their room.

" Morning pumpkin." Teyana said, kissing her forehead. " Where's your sister?" she wondered.

" She's in the the closet room picking our outfits." Mia answered.

" I got our outfits." Raia said, entering the room. " Oh, hi mama." she waved.

" Hi stink. What y'all wearing ?" Teyana wondered.

" I'm wearing my sweatsuit and Mia's wearing hers." Raia answered.

" Y'all aren't matching ?" Teyana questioned, shocked.

" We both got the same color and we're wearing the same shoes." Raia answered, and Teyana nodded.

" Oh okay, I'll be back I'm gonna go check on your brother." Teyana said, before leaving the room.

" Look mommy's right there." Yannick said, facing Arian towards the door.

" Hey mommy's stinka man, you finally got up." Teyana smiled, taking him from Yannick.

" He woke as soon as you left out the room. I think he got mommy sensors or something."
Yannick laughed.

" Aww you was looking for me fat man." Teyana said, and he just smiled at her.

" That's a mama's boy if I ever knew one." Yannick said.

" Him love his mommy, isn't that right fat man." Teyana said, kissing his face.

After a while Arian started to get fussy so Teyana began to feed him while everybody else got ready.

" Can you get him an outfit, please?" Teyana questioned.

" Done. I already ironed your clothes for you too." Yannick answered.

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